Source code for irrep.bandstructure

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## This file is distributed as part of                           #
## "IrRep" code and under terms of GNU General Public license v3 #
## see LICENSE file in the                                       #
##                                                               #
##  Written by Stepan Tsirkin, University of Zurich.             #
##  e-mail:                         #

import copy
import functools

import numpy as np
import numpy.linalg as la

from .readfiles import ParserAbinit, ParserVasp, ParserEspresso, ParserW90
from .kpoint import Kpoint
from .spacegroup import SpaceGroup
from .gvectors import sortIG, calc_gvectors
from .utility import log_message

[docs] class BandStructure: """ Parses files and organizes info about the whole band structure in attributes. Contains methods to calculate and write traces (and irreps), for the separation of the band structure in terms of a symmetry operation and for the calculation of the Zak phase and wannier charge centers. Parameters ---------- fWAV : str, default=None Name of file containing wave-functions in VASP (WAVECAR format). fWFK : str, default=None Name of file containing wave-functions in ABINIT (WFK format). prefix : str, default=None Prefix used for Quantum Espresso calculations or seedname of Wannier90 files. fPOS : str, default=None Name of file containing the crystal structure in VASP (POSCAR format). Ecut : float, default=None Plane-wave cutoff in eV to consider in the expansion of wave-functions. IBstart : int, default=None First band to be considered. IBend : int, default=None Last band to be considered. kplist : array, default=None List of indices of k-points to be considered. spinor : bool, default=None `True` if wave functions are spinors, `False` if they are scalars. Mandatory for VASP. code : str, default='vasp' DFT code used. Set to 'vasp', 'abinit', 'espresso' or 'wannier90'. EF : float, default=None Fermi-energy. onlysym : bool, default=False Exit after printing info about space-group. spin_channel : str, default=None Selection of the spin-channel. 'up' for spin-up, 'dw' for spin-down. Only applied in the interface to Quantum Espresso. refUC : array, default=None 3x3 array describing the transformation of vectors defining the unit cell to the standard setting. shiftUC : array, default=None Translation taking the origin of the unit cell used in the DFT calculation to that of the standard setting. search_cell : bool, default=False Whether the transformation to the conventional cell should be computed. It is `True` if kpnames was specified in CLI. trans_thresh : float, default=1e-5 Threshold to compare translational parts of symmetries. degen_thresh : float, default=1e-8 Threshold to determine the degeneracy of energy levels. calculate_traces : bool If `True`, traces of symmetries will be calculated. Useful to icreate instances of `BandStructure` faster. save_wf : bool Whether wave functions should be kept as attribute after calculating traces. v : int, default=0 Number controlling the verbosity. 0: minimalistic printing. 1: print info about decisions taken internally by the code, recommended when the code runs without errors but the result is not the expected. 2: print detailed info, recommended when the code stops with an error Attributes ---------- spacegroup : class Instance of `SpaceGroup`. spinor : bool `True` if wave functions are spinors, `False` if they are scalars. It will be read from DFT files. efermi : float Fermi-energy. If user set a number as `EF` in CLI, it will be used. If `EF` was set to `auto`, it will try to parse it and set to 0.0 if it could not. Ecut0 : float Plane-wave cutoff (in eV) used in DFT calulations. Always read from DFT files. Insignificant if `code`='wannier90'. Ecut : float Plane-wave cutoff (in eV) to consider in the expansion of wave-functions. Will be set equal to `Ecut0` if input parameter `Ecut` was not set or the value of this is negative or larger than `Ecut0`. Lattice : array, shape=(3,3) Each row contains cartesian coordinates of a basis vector forming the unit-cell in real space. RecLattice : array, shape=(3,3) Each row contains the cartesian coordinates of a basis vector forming the unit-cell in reciprocal space. kpoints : list Each element is an instance of `class Kpoint` corresponding to a k-point specified in input parameter `kpoints`. If this input was not set, all k-points found in DFT files will be considered. ACCESSED DIRECTLY BY BANDUPPY>=0.3.4. DO NOT CHANGE UNLESS NECESSARY. NOTIFY THE DEVELOPERS IF ANY CHANGES ARE MADE. num_bandinvs : int Property that returns the number of inversion odd states in the given TRIM. gap_direct : float Property that returns the smallest direct gap in the given k points. gap_indirect : float Property that returns the smallest indirect gap in the given k points. num_k : int Property that returns the number of k points in the attribute `kpoints` num_bands : int Property that returns the number of bands. Used to write trace.txt. """ def __init__( self, fWAV=None, fWFK=None, prefix=None, fPOS=None, Ecut=None, IBstart=None, IBend=None, kplist=None, spinor=None, code="vasp", calculate_traces=False, EF='0.0', onlysym=False, spin_channel=None, refUC = None, shiftUC = None, search_cell = False, trans_thresh=1e-5, degen_thresh=1e-8, save_wf=True, v=0, alat=None, from_sym_file=None, ): code = code.lower() if spin_channel is not None: spin_channel=spin_channel.lower() if spin_channel=='down': spin_channel='dw' if code == "vasp": if spinor is None: raise RuntimeError( "spinor should be specified in the command line for VASP bandstructure" ) self.spinor = spinor parser = ParserVasp(fPOS, fWAV, onlysym) self.Lattice, positions, typat = parser.parse_poscar(v) if not onlysym: NK, NBin, self.Ecut0, lattice = parser.parse_header() if not np.allclose(self.Lattice, lattice): raise RuntimeError("POSCAR and WAVECAR contain different lattices") EF_in = None # not written in WAVECAR elif code == "abinit": parser = ParserAbinit(fWFK) (nband, NK, self.Lattice, self.Ecut0, self.spinor, typat, positions, EF_in) = parser.parse_header(v=v) NBin = max(nband) elif code == "espresso": parser = ParserEspresso(prefix) self.spinor = parser.spinor # alat is saved to be used to write the prefix.sym file self.Lattice, positions, typat, _alat = parser.parse_lattice() if alat is None: alat = _alat spinpol, self.Ecut0, EF_in, NK, NBin_list = parser.parse_header() # Set NBin if self.spinor and spinpol: raise RuntimeError("bandstructure cannot be both noncollinear and spin-polarised. Smth is wrong with the 'data-file-schema.xml'") elif spinpol: if spin_channel is None: raise ValueError("Need to select a spin channel for spin-polarised calculations set 'up' or 'dw'") assert (spin_channel in ['dw','up']) if spin_channel == 'dw': NBin = NBin_list[1] else: NBin = NBin_list[0] else: NBin = NBin_list[0] if spin_channel is not None: raise ValueError("Found a non-polarized bandstructure, but spin channel is set to {}".format(spin_channel)) elif code == "wannier90": if Ecut is None: raise RuntimeError("Ecut mandatory for Wannier90") self.Ecut0 = Ecut parser = ParserW90(prefix) NK, NBin, self.spinor, EF_in = parser.parse_header() self.Lattice, positions, typat, kpred = parser.parse_lattice() Energies = parser.parse_energies() else: raise RuntimeError("Unknown/unsupported code :{}".format(code)) self.spacegroup = SpaceGroup( cell=(self.Lattice, positions, typat), spinor=self.spinor, refUC=refUC, shiftUC=shiftUC, search_cell=search_cell, trans_thresh=trans_thresh, v=v, alat=alat, from_sym_file=from_sym_file) if onlysym: return # Set Fermi energy if EF.lower() == "auto": if EF_in is None: self.efermi = 0.0 msg = "WARNING : fermi-energy not found. Setting it as 0 eV" log_message(msg, v, 1) else: self.efermi = EF_in else: try: self.efermi = float(EF) except: raise RuntimeError("Invalid value for keyword EF. It must be " "a number or 'auto'") log_message(f"Efermi: {self.efermi:.4f} eV", v, 1) # Fix indices of bands to be considered if IBstart is None or IBstart <= 0: IBstart = 0 else: IBstart -= 1 if IBend is None or IBend <= 0 or IBend > NBin: IBend = NBin NBout = IBend - IBstart if NBout <= 0: raise RuntimeError("No bands to calculate") # Set cutoff to calculate traces if Ecut is None or Ecut > self.Ecut0 or Ecut <= 0: self.Ecut = self.Ecut0 else: self.Ecut = Ecut # Calculate vectors of reciprocal lattice self.RecLattice = np.zeros((3,3), dtype=float) for i in range(3): self.RecLattice[i] = np.cross(self.Lattice[(i + 1) % 3], self.Lattice[(i + 2) % 3]) self.RecLattice *= (2.0*np.pi/np.linalg.det(self.Lattice)) # To do: create writer of description for this class msg = ("WAVECAR contains {} k-points and {} bands.\n" "Saving {} bands starting from {} in the output" .format(NK, NBin, NBout, IBstart + 1)) log_message(msg, v, 1) msg = f"Energy cutoff in WAVECAR : {self.Ecut0}" log_message(msg, v, 1) msg = f"Energy cutoff reduced to : {self.Ecut}" log_message(msg, v, 1) # Create list of indices for k-points if kplist is None: kplist = range(NK) else: kplist -= 1 kplist = np.array([k for k in kplist if k >= 0 and k < NK]) # Parse wave functions at each k-point self.kpoints = [] for ik in kplist: if code == 'vasp': msg = f'Parsing wave functions at k-point #{ik:>3d}' log_message(msg, v, 2) WF, Energy, kpt, npw = parser.parse_kpoint(ik, NBin, self.spinor) kg = calc_gvectors(kpt, self.RecLattice, self.Ecut0, npw, self.Ecut, spinor=self.spinor, v=v ) if not self.spinor: selectG = kg[3] else: selectG = np.hstack((kg[3], kg[3] + int(npw / 2))) WF = WF[:, selectG] elif code == 'abinit': NBin = parser.nband[ik] kpt = parser.kpt[ik] msg = f'Parsing wave functions at k-point #{ik:>3d}: {kpt}' log_message(msg, v, 2) WF, Energy, kg = parser.parse_kpoint(ik) WF, kg = sortIG(ik, kg, kpt, WF, self.RecLattice, self.Ecut0, self.Ecut, self.spinor) elif code == 'espresso': msg = f'Parsing wave functions at k-point #{ik:>3d}' log_message(msg, v, 2) WF, Energy, kg, kpt = parser.parse_kpoint(ik, NBin, spin_channel, v=v) WF, kg = sortIG(ik+1, kg, kpt, WF, self.RecLattice/2.0, self.Ecut0, self.Ecut, self.spinor) elif code == 'wannier90': kpt = kpred[ik] Energy = Energies[ik] ngx, ngy, ngz = parser.parse_grid(ik+1) kg = calc_gvectors(kpred[ik], self.RecLattice, self.Ecut, spinor=self.spinor, nplanemax=np.max([ngx, ngy, ngz]) // 2, v=v ) selectG = tuple(kg[0:3]) msg = f'Parsing wave functions at k-point #{ik:>3d}: {kpt}' log_message(msg, v, 2) WF = parser.parse_kpoint(ik+1, selectG) # Pick energy of IBend+1 band to calculate gaps try: upper = Energy[IBend] - self.efermi except BaseException: upper = np.nan # Preserve only bands in between IBstart and IBend WF = WF[IBstart:IBend] Energy = Energy[IBstart:IBend] - self.efermi kp = Kpoint( ik=ik, kpt=kpt, WF=WF, Energy=Energy, ig=kg, upper=upper, num_bands=NBout, RecLattice=self.RecLattice, calculate_traces=calculate_traces, symmetries_SG=self.spacegroup.symmetries, spinor=self.spinor, degen_thresh=degen_thresh, refUC=self.spacegroup.refUC, shiftUC=self.spacegroup.shiftUC, symmetries_tables=self.spacegroup.symmetries_tables, save_wf=save_wf, v=v ) self.kpoints.append(kp) del WF @property def num_k(self): '''Getter for the number of k points''' return len(self.kpoints)
[docs] def identify_irreps(self, kpnames, v=0): ''' Identifies the irreducible representations of wave functions based on the traces of symmetries of the little co-group. Each element of `kpoints` will be assigned the attribute `irreps` with the labels of irreps. Parameters ---------- kpnames : list List of labels of the maximal k points. v : int, default=0 Verbosity level. Default set to minimalistic printing ''' for ik, KP in enumerate(self.kpoints): if kpnames is not None: irreps = self.spacegroup.get_irreps_from_table(kpnames[ik], KP.k, v=v) else: irreps = None KP.identify_irreps(irreptable=irreps)
[docs] def write_characters(self): ''' For each k point, write the energy levels, their degeneracies, traces of the little cogroup's symmetries, and the direct and indirect gaps. Also the irreps, if they have been identified. If the crystal is inversion symmetries, the number of total inversion odd states, the Z2 and Z4 numbers will be written. ''' for KP in self.kpoints: # Print block of irreps and their characters KP.write_characters() # Print number of inversion odd Kramers pairs if KP.num_bandinvs is None: print("\nInvariant under inversion: No") else: print("\nInvariant under inversion: Yes") if self.spinor: print("Number of inversions-odd Kramers pairs : {}" .format(int(KP.num_bandinvs / 2)) ) else: print("Number of inversions-odd states : {}" .format(KP.num_bandinvs)) # Print gap with respect to next band if not np.isnan(KP.upper): print("Gap with upper bands: ", KP.upper - KP.Energy_mean[-1]) # Print total number of band inversions if self.spinor: print("\nTOTAL number of inversions-odd Kramers pairs : {}" .format(int(self.num_bandinvs/2))) else: print("TOTAL number of inversions-odd states : {}" .format(self.num_bandinvs)) print('Z2 invariant: {}'.format(int(self.num_bandinvs/2 % 2))) print('Z4 invariant: {}'.format(int(self.num_bandinvs/2 % 4))) # Print indirect gap and smalles direct gap print('Indirect gap: {}'.format(self.gap_indirect)) print('Smallest direct gap in the given set of k-points: {}'.format(self.gap_direct))
[docs] def json(self, kpnames=None): ''' Prepare a dictionary to save the data in JSON format. Parameters ---------- kpnames : list List of labels of the maximal k points. Returns ------- json_data : dict Dictionary with the data. ''' kpline = self.KPOINTSline() json_data = {} json_data['kpoints line'] = kpline json_data['k points'] = [] for ik, KP in enumerate(self.kpoints): json_kpoint = KP.json() json_kpoint['kp in line'] = kpline[ik] if kpnames is None: json_kpoint['kpname'] = None else: json_kpoint['kpname'] = kpnames[ik] json_data['k points'].append(json_kpoint) json_data['indirect gap (eV)'] = self.gap_indirect json_data['Minimal direct gap (eV)'] = self.gap_direct if self.spinor: json_data["number of inversion-odd Kramers pairs"] = int(self.num_bandinvs / 2) json_data["Z4"] = int(self.num_bandinvs / 2) % 4, else: json_data["number of inversion-odd states"] = self.num_bandinvs return json_data
@property def gap_direct(self): ''' Getter for the direct gap Returns ------- gap : float Smallest direct gap ''' gap = np.inf for KP in self.kpoints: gap = min(gap, KP.upper-KP.Energy_mean[-1]) return gap @property def gap_indirect(self): ''' Getter for the indirect gap Returns ------- gap : float Smallest indirect gap ''' min_upper = np.inf # smallest energy of bands above set max_lower = -np.inf # largest energy of bands in the set for KP in self.kpoints: min_upper = min(min_upper, KP.upper) max_lower = max(max_lower, KP.Energy_mean[-1]) return min_upper - max_lower @property def num_bandinvs(self): ''' Getter for the total number of inversion odd states Returns ------- num_bandinvs : int Total number of inversion odd states. 0 if the crystal is not inversion symmetric. ''' num_bandinvs = 0 for KP in self.kpoints: if KP.num_bandinvs is not None: num_bandinvs += KP.num_bandinvs return num_bandinvs
[docs] def write_irrepsfile(self): ''' Write the file `irreps.dat` with the identified irreps. ''' file = open('irreps.dat', 'w') for KP in self.kpoints: KP.write_irrepsfile(file) file.close()
@property def num_bands(self): """ Return number of bands. Raise RuntimeError if the number of bands varies from on k-point to the other. Returns ------- int Number of bands in every k-point. """ nbarray = [k.num_bands for k in self.kpoints] if len(set(nbarray)) > 1: raise RuntimeError( "the numbers of bands differs over k-points:{0} \n cannot write trace.txt \n".format( nbarray ) ) if len(nbarray) == 0: raise RuntimeError( "do we have any k-points??? NB={0} \n cannot write trace.txt \n".format( nbarray ) ) return nbarray[0]
[docs] def write_trace(self,): """ Generate `trace.txt` file to upload to the program `CheckTopologicalMat` in `BCS <>`_ . """ f = open("trace.txt", "w") f.write( ( " {0} \n" + " {1} \n" # Number of bands below the Fermi level # Spin-orbit coupling. No: 0, Yes: 1 ).format(self.num_bands, 1 if self.spinor else 0) ) f.write( self.spacegroup.write_trace() ) # Number of maximal k-vectors in the space group. In the next files # introduce the components of the maximal k-vectors)) f.write(" {0} \n".format(len(self.kpoints))) for KP in self.kpoints: f.write( " ".join( "{0:10.6f}".format(x) for x in KP.k ) + "\n" ) for KP in self.kpoints: f.write( KP.write_trace() )
[docs] def Separate(self, isymop, degen_thresh=1e-5, groupKramers=True, v=0): """ Separate band structure according to the eigenvalues of a symmetry operation. Parameters ---------- isymop : int Index of symmetry used for the separation. degen_thresh : float, default=1e-5 Energy threshold used to determine degeneracy of energy-levels. groupKramers : bool, default=True If `True`, states will be coupled by Kramers' pairs. v : int, default=0 Verbosity level. Default is set to minimalistic printing Returns ------- subspaces : dict Each key is an eigenvalue of the symmetry operation and the corresponding value is an instance of `class` `BandStructure` for the subspace of that eigenvalue. """ if isymop == 1: return {1: self} # Print description of symmetry used for separation symop = self.spacegroup.symmetries[isymop - 1] # Separate each k-point kpseparated = [ kp.Separate(symop, degen_thresh=degen_thresh, groupKramers=groupKramers) for kp in self.kpoints ] # each element is a dict with separated bandstructure of a k-point allvalues = np.array(sum((list(kps.keys()) for kps in kpseparated), [])) # print (allvalues) # for kps in kpseparated : # allvalues=allvalues | set( kps.keys()) # allvalues=np.array(allavalues) if groupKramers: allvalues = allvalues[np.argsort(np.real(allvalues))].real borders = np.hstack( ( [0], np.where(abs(allvalues[1:] - allvalues[:-1]) > 0.01)[0] + 1, [len(allvalues)], ) ) # nv=len(allvalues) if len(borders) > 2: allvalues = set( [allvalues[b1:b2].mean() for b1, b2 in zip(borders, borders[1:])] ) # unrepeated Re parts of all eigenvalues subspaces = {} for v in allvalues: other = copy.copy(self) other.kpoints = [] for K in kpseparated: vk = list(K.keys()) vk0 = vk[np.argmin(np.abs(v - vk))] if abs(vk0 - v) < 0.05: other.kpoints.append(K[vk0]) subspaces[v] = other # unnecessary indent ? return subspaces else: return dict({allvalues.mean(): self}) else: allvalues = allvalues[np.argsort(np.angle(allvalues))] log_message(f'allvalues: {allvalues}', v, 1) borders = np.where(abs(allvalues - np.roll(allvalues, 1)) > 0.01)[0] nv = len(allvalues) if len(borders) > 0: allvalues = set( [ np.roll(allvalues, -b1)[: (b2 - b1) % nv].mean() for b1, b2 in zip(borders, np.roll(borders, -1)) ] ) log_message(f'Distinct values: {allvalues}', v, 1) subspaces = {} for v in allvalues: other = copy.copy(self) other.kpoints = [] for K in kpseparated: vk = list(K.keys()) vk0 = vk[np.argmin(np.abs(v - vk))] if abs(vk0 - v) < 0.05: other.kpoints.append(K[vk0]) subspaces[v] = other return subspaces else: return dict({allvalues.mean(): self})
[docs] def zakphase(self): """ Calculate Zak phases along a path for a set of states. Returns ------- z : array `z[i]` contains the total (trace) zak phase (divided by :math:`2\pi`) for the subspace of the first i-bands. array The :math:`i^{th}` element is the gap between :math:`i^{th}` and :math:`(i+1)^{th}` bands in the considered set of bands. array The :math:`i^{th}` element is the mean energy between :math:`i^{th}` and :math:`(i+1)^{th}` bands in the considered set of bands. array Each line contains the local gaps between pairs of bands in a k-point of the path. The :math:`i^{th}` column is the local gap between :math:`i^{th}` and :math:`(i+1)^{th}` bands. """ overlaps = [ x.overlap(y) for x, y in zip(self.kpoints, self.kpoints[1:] + [self.kpoints[0]]) ] print("overlaps") for O in overlaps: print(np.abs(O[0, 0]), np.angle(O[0, 0])) print(" sum ", np.sum(np.angle(O[0, 0]) for O in overlaps) / np.pi) # overlaps.append(self.kpoints[-1].overlap(self.kpoints[0],g=np.array( (self.kpoints[-1].K-self.kpoints[0].K).round(),dtype=int ) ) ) nmax = np.min([o.shape for o in overlaps]) # calculate zak phase in incresing dimension of the subspace (1 band, # 2 bands, 3 bands,...) z = np.angle( [[la.det(O[:n, :n]) for n in range(1, nmax + 1)] for O in overlaps] ).sum(axis=0) % (2 * np.pi) # print (np.array([k.Energy[1:] for k in self.kpoints] )) # print (np.min([k.Energy[1:] for k in self.kpoints],axis=0) ) emin = np.hstack( (np.min([k.Energy[1:nmax] for k in self.kpoints], axis=0), [np.inf]) ) emax = np.max([k.Energy[:nmax] for k in self.kpoints], axis=0) locgap = np.hstack( ( np.min( [k.Energy[1:nmax] - k.Energy[0 : nmax - 1] for k in self.kpoints], axis=0, ), [np.inf], ) ) return z, emin - emax, (emin + emax) / 2, locgap
[docs] def wcc(self): """ Calculate Wilson loops. Returns ------- array Eigenvalues of the Wilson loop operator, divided by :math:`2\pi`. """ overlaps = [ x.overlap(y) for x, y in zip(self.kpoints, self.kpoints[1:] + [self.kpoints[0]]) ] wilson = functools.reduce(, [functools.reduce(, np.linalg.svd(O)[0:3:2]) for O in overlaps], ) return np.sort((np.angle(np.linalg.eig(wilson)) / (2 * np.pi)) % 1)
[docs] def write_plotfile(self, filename='bands-tognuplot.dat'): """ Generate lines for a band structure plot, with cummulative length of the k-path as values for the x-axis and energy-levels for the y-axis. Returns ------- str Lines to write into a file that will be parsed to plot the band structure. """ kpline = self.KPOINTSline() # Prepare energies at each k point energies_expanded = np.full((self.num_bands, len(kpline)), np.inf) for ik, kp in enumerate(self.kpoints): count = 0 for iset, deg in enumerate(kp.degeneracies): for i in range(deg): energies_expanded[count,ik] = kp.Energy_mean[iset] count += 1 # Write energies of each band file = open(filename, 'w') file.write('column 1: k, column 2: energy in eV (w.r.t. Fermi level)') for iband in range(self.num_bands): file.write('\n') # blank line separating blocks of k points for k, energy in zip(kpline, energies_expanded[iband]): s = '{:8.4f} {:8.4f}\n'.format(k, energy) file.write(s) file.close()
[docs] def KPOINTSline(self, kpred=None, supercell=None, breakTHRESH=0.1): """ Calculate cumulative length along a k-path in cartesian coordinates. ACCESSED DIRECTLY BY BANDUPPY>=0.3.4. DO NOT CHANGE UNLESS NECESSARY. NOTIFY THE DEVELOPERS IF ANY CHANGE IS MADE. Parameters ---------- kpred : list, default=None Each element contains the direct coordinates of a k-point in the attribute `kpoints`. supercell : array, shape=(3,3), default=None Describes how the lattice vectors of the (super)cell used in the calculation are expressed in the basis vectors of the primitive cell. USED IN BANDUPPY. DO NOT CHANGE UNLESS NECESSARY. breakTHRESH : float, default=0.1 If the distance between two neighboring k-points in the path is larger than `breakTHRESH`, it is taken to be 0. Set `breakTHRESH` to a large value if the unforlded kpoints line is continuous. Returns ------- K : array Each element is the cumulative distance along the path up to a k-point. The first element is 0, so that the number of elements matches the number of k-points in the path. """ if kpred is None: kpred = [k.k for k in self.kpoints] if supercell is None: reciprocal_lattice = self.RecLattice else: reciprocal_lattice = supercell.T @ self.RecLattice KPcart =, reciprocal_lattice) K = np.zeros(KPcart.shape[0]) k = np.linalg.norm(KPcart[1:, :] - KPcart[:-1, :], axis=1) k[k > breakTHRESH] = 0.0 K[1:] = np.cumsum(k) return K