Source code for irrep.gvectors

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## This file is distributed as part of                           #
## "IrRep" code and under terms of GNU General Public license v3 #
## see LICENSE file in the                                       #
##                                                               #
##  Written by Stepan Tsirkin, University of Zurich.             #
##  e-mail:                         #

import numpy as np
import numpy.linalg as la
from .readfiles import Hartree_eV
from .utility import log_message

[docs] class NotSymmetryError(RuntimeError): """ Pass if we attemp to apply to a k-vector a symmetry that does not belong to its little-group. """ pass
#!! constant below is 2m/hbar**2 in units of 1/eV Ang^2 (value is #!! adjusted in final decimal places to agree with VASP value; program #!! checks for discrepancy of any results between this and VASP values) twomhbar2 = 0.262465831 # This function is a python translation of a part of WaveTrans Code
[docs] def calc_gvectors( K, RecLattice, Ecut, nplane=np.inf, Ecut1=-1, thresh=1e-3, spinor=True, nplanemax=10000, v=0 ): """ Generates G-vectors taking part in the plane-wave expansion of wave-functions in a particular k-point. Optionally, a cutoff `Ecut1` is applied to get rid of large G-vectors. Parameters ---------- K : array Direct coordinates of the k-point. RecLattice : array, shape=(3,3) Each row contains the cartesian coordinates of a basis vector forming the unit-cell in reciprocal space. Ecut : float Plane-wave cutoff (in eV) used in the DFT calulation. Always read from DFT files. nplane : int, default=np.inf Number of plane-waves in the expansion of wave-functions (read from DFT files). Only significant for VASP. Ecut1 : float, default=Ecut Plane-wave cutoff (in eV) to consider in the expansion of wave-functions. thresh : float, default=1e-3 Threshold for defining the g-vectors with the same energy. spinor : bool, default=True `True` if wave functions are spinors, `False` if they are scalars. It will be read from DFT files. Mandatory for `vasp`. nplanemax : int, default=10000 Sets the maximun number of iterations when calculating vectors. Returns ------- igall : array Every column corresponds to a plane-wave of energy smaller than `Ecut`. The number of rows is 6: the first 3 contain direct coordinates of the plane-wave, the fourth row stores indices needed to short plane-waves based on energy (ascending order). Fitfth (sixth) row contains the index of the first (last) plane-wave with the same energy as the plane-wave of the current column. """ msg = ('Generating plane waves at k: ({} )' .format(' '.join([f'{x:6.3f}' for x in K]))) log_message(msg, v, 2) if Ecut1 <= 0: Ecut1 = Ecut B = RecLattice igp = np.zeros(3) igall = [] Eg = [] memory = np.full(10, True) for N in range(nplanemax): flag = True if N % 10 == 0: msg = f'Cycle {N:>3d}: number of plane waves = {len(igall):>10d}' log_message(msg, v, 2) if len(igall) >= nplane / 2: # Only enters if vasp if spinor: break else: # Sure that not spinors? if len(igall) >= nplane: # spinor=F, all plane waves found break elif np.all(memory): # probably spinor wrong set as spinor=F raise RuntimeError( "calc_gvectors is stuck " "calculating plane waves of energy larger " "than cutoff Ecut = {}. Make sure that the " "VASP calculation does not include SOC and " "set -spinor if it does.".format(Ecut) ) for ig3 in range(-N, N + 1): for ig2 in range(-(N - abs(ig3)), N - abs(ig3) + 1): for ig1 in set([-(N - abs(ig3) - abs(ig2)), N - abs(ig3) - abs(ig2)]): igp = (ig1, ig2, ig3) etot = la.norm((K + np.array(igp)).dot(B)) ** 2 / twomhbar2 if etot < Ecut: igall.append(igp) Eg.append(etot) flag = False memory[:-1] = memory[1:] memory[-1] = flag ncnt = len(igall) if nplane < np.inf: # vasp if spinor: if 2 * ncnt != nplane: raise RuntimeError( "*** error - computed 2*ncnt={0} != input nplane={1}".format( 2 * ncnt, nplane ) ) else: if ncnt != nplane: raise RuntimeError( "*** error - computed ncnt={0} != input nplane={1}".format( ncnt, nplane ) ) igall = np.array(igall, dtype=int) ng = igall.max(axis=0) - igall.min(axis=0) igall1 = igall % ng[None, :] igallsrt = np.argsort((igall1[:, 2] * ng[1] + igall1[:, 1]) * ng[0] + igall1[:, 0]) igall1 = igall[igallsrt] Eg = np.array(Eg)[igallsrt] igall = np.zeros((ncnt, 6), dtype=int) igall[:, :3] = igall1 igall[:, 3] = np.arange(ncnt) igall = igall[Eg <= Ecut1] Eg = Eg[Eg <= Ecut1] srt = np.argsort(Eg) Eg = Eg[srt] igall = igall[srt, :].T wall = [0] + list(np.where(Eg[1:] - Eg[:-1] > thresh)[0] + 1) + [igall.shape[1]] for i in range(len(wall) - 1): igall[4, wall[i] : wall[i + 1]] = wall[i] igall[5, wall[i] : wall[i + 1]] = wall[i + 1] # print ("K={0}\n E={1}\nigall=\n{2}".format(K,Eg,igall.T)) return igall
[docs] def sortIG(ik, kg, kpt, CG, RecLattice, Ecut0, Ecut, spinor): """ Apply plane-wave cutoff specified in CLI to the expansion of wave-functions and sort the coefficients and plane-waves in ascending order in energy. Parameters ---------- ik : int Index of the k-point. kg : array Each row contains the integer coefficients of a reciprocal lattice vector taking part in the plane-wave expansion of wave-functions at the current k-point. kpt : array, shape=(3,) Direct coordinates of the k-point. CG : array `CG[i,j]` contains the complex coefficient corresponding to :math:`j^{th}` plane-wave in the expansion of :math:`i^{th}` wave-function. RecLattice : array, shape=(3,3) Each row contains the cartesian coordinates of a basis vector forming the unit-cell in reciprocal space. Ecut : float Plane-wave cutoff (in eV) to consider in the expansion of wave-functions. Will be set equal to `Ecut0` if input parameter `Ecut` was not set or the value of this is negative or larger than `Ecut0`. Ecut0 : float Plane-wave cutoff (in eV) used for DFT calulations. Always read from DFT files. Insignificant if `code`=`wannier90`. spinor : bool `True` if wave-functions are spinors, `False` if they are scalars. Returns ------- CG : array Contains the coefficients (same row-column formatting as argument `CG`) of the expansion of wave-functions corresponding to plane-waves of energy smaller than `Ecut`. Columns (plane-waves) are shorted based on their energy, from smaller to larger. igall : array Every column corresponds to a plane-wave of energy smaller than `Ecut`. The number of rows is 6: the first 3 contain direct coordinates of the plane-wave, the fourth row stores indices needed to short plane-waves based on energy (ascending order). Fitfth (sixth) row contains the index of the first (last) plane-wave with the same energy as the plane-wave of the current column. """ thresh = 1e-4 # default thresh to distinguish energies of plane-waves KG = (kg + kpt).dot(RecLattice) npw = kg.shape[0] eKG = Hartree_eV * (la.norm(KG, axis=1) ** 2) / 2 print( "Found cutoff: {0:12.6f} eV Largest plane wave energy in K-point {1:4d}: {2:12.6f} eV".format( Ecut0, ik, np.max(eKG) ) ) assert Ecut0 * 1.000000001 > np.max(eKG) sel = np.where(eKG < Ecut)[0] KG = KG[sel] kg = kg[sel] eKG = eKG[sel] srt = np.argsort(eKG) eKG = eKG[srt] igall = np.zeros((6, len(sel)), dtype=int) igall[:3, :] = kg[srt].T igall[3, :] = srt wall = ( [0] + list(np.where(eKG[1:] - eKG[:-1] > thresh)[0] + 1) + [igall.shape[1]] ) for i in range(len(wall) - 1): igall[4, wall[i] : wall[i + 1]] = wall[i] igall[5, wall[i] : wall[i + 1]] = wall[i + 1] if spinor: CG = CG[:, np.hstack((sel[srt], sel[srt] + npw))] else: CG = CG[:, sel[srt]] return CG, igall
[docs] def transformed_g(kpt, ig, RecLattice, A): """ Determines how the transformation matrix `A` reorders the reciprocal lattice vectors taking part in the plane-wave expansion of wave-functions. Parameters ---------- kpt : array, shape=(3,) Direct coordinates of the k-point. ig : array Every column corresponds to a plane-wave of energy smaller than `Ecut`. The number of rows is 6: the first 3 contain direct coordinates of the plane-wave, the fourth row stores indices needed to short plane-waves based on energy (ascending order). Fitfth (sixth) row contains the index of the first (last) groups of plane-waves of identical energy. RecLattice : array, shape=(3,3) Each row contains the cartesian coordinates of a basis vector forming the unit-cell in reciprocal space. A : array, shape=(3,3) Matrix describing the tranformation of basis vectors of the unit cell under the symmetry operation. Returns ------- rotind : array `rotind[i]`=`j` if `A`*`ig[:,i]`==`ig[:,j]`. """ B = np.linalg.inv(A).T kpt_ = dkpt = np.array(np.round(kpt_ - kpt), dtype=int) if not np.isclose(dkpt, kpt_ - kpt).all(): raise NotSymmetryError( "The k-point {0} is transformed to non-equivalent point {1} under transformation\n {2}".format( kpt, kpt_, A ) ) igTr =[:3, :]) + dkpt[:, None] # the transformed igTr = np.array(np.round(igTr), dtype=int) ng = ig.shape[1] rotind = -np.ones(ng, dtype=int) for i in range(ng): for j in range(ig[4, i], ig[5, i]): if (igTr[:, i] == ig[:3, j]).all(): rotind[i] = j break if rotind[i] == -1: raise RuntimeError( "Error in the transformation of plane-waves in k-point={}: " .format(kpt) + "Not pair found for the g-vector igTr[{i}]={igtr}" .format(i=i, igtr=igTr[:,i]) + "obtained when transforming the g-vector ig[{i}]={ig} " .format(i=i, ig=ig[:3,i] + "with the matrix {B}, where B=inv(A).T with A={A}" .format(B=B, A=A) ) ) return rotind
[docs] def symm_eigenvalues( K, RecLattice, WF, igall, A, S, T, spinor ): """ Calculate the traces of a symmetry operation for the wave-functions in a particular k-point. Parameters ---------- K : array, shape=(3,) Direct coordinates of the k-point. RecLattice : array, shape=(3,3) Each row contains the cartesian coordinates of a basis vector forming the unit-cell in reciprocal space. WF : array `WF[i,j]` contains the coefficient corresponding to :math:`j^{th}` plane-wave in the expansion of the wave-function in :math:`i^{th}` band. It contains only plane-waves of energy smaller than `Ecut`. igall : array Returned by `__sortIG`. Every column corresponds to a plane-wave of energy smaller than `Ecut`. The number of rows is 6: the first 3 contain direct coordinates of the plane-wave, the fourth row stores indices needed to short plane-waves based on energy (ascending order). Fitfth (sixth) row contains the index of the first (last) plane-wave with the same energy as the plane-wave of the current column. A : array, shape=(3,3) Matrix describing the tranformation of basis vectors of the unit cell under the symmetry operation. S : array, shape=(2,2) Matrix describing how spinors transform under the symmetry. T : array, shape=(3,) Translational part of the symmetry operation, in terms of the basis vectors of the unit cell. spinor : bool `True` if wave-functions are spinors, `False` if they are scalars. Returns ------- array Each element is the trace of the symmetry operation in a wave-function. """ npw1 = igall.shape[1] multZ = np.exp( -1.0j * (2 * np.pi * np.linalg.inv(A).dot(T).dot(igall[:3, :] + K[:, None])) ) igrot = transformed_g(K, igall, RecLattice, A) if spinor: part1 = WF[:, igrot].conj() * WF[:, :npw1] * S[0, 0] part2 = ( WF[:, igrot + npw1].conj() * WF[:, npw1:] * S[1, 1] + WF[:, igrot].conj() * WF[:, npw1:] * S[0, 1] + WF[:, igrot + npw1].conj() * WF[:, :npw1] * S[1, 0] ) return + part2, multZ) else: return[:, igrot].conj() * WF[:, :], multZ)
[docs] def symm_matrix( K, RecLattice, WF, igall, A, S, T, spinor ): """ Computes the matrix S_mn = <Psi_m|{A|T}|Psi_n> Parameters ---------- K : array, shape=(3,) Direct coordinates of the k-point. RecLattice : array, shape=(3,3) Each row contains the cartesian coordinates of a basis vector forming the unit-cell in reciprocal space. WF : array `WF[i,j]` contains the coefficient corresponding to :math:`j^{th}` plane-wave in the expansion of the wave-function in :math:`i^{th}` band. It contains only plane-waves if energy smaller than `Ecut`. igall : array Returned by `__sortIG`. Every column corresponds to a plane-wave of energy smaller than `Ecut`. The number of rows is 6: the first 3 contain direct coordinates of the plane-wave, the fourth row stores indices needed to short plane-waves based on energy (ascending order). Fitfth (sixth) row contains the index of the first (last) plane-wave with the same energy as the plane-wave of the current column. A : array, shape=(3,3) Matrix describing the tranformation of basis vectors of the unit cell under the symmetry operation. S : array, shape=(2,2) Matrix describing how spinors transform under the symmetry. T : array, shape=(3,) Translational part of the symmetry operation, in terms of the basis vectors of the unit cell. spinor : bool `True` if wave functions are spinors, `False` if they are scalars. Returns ------- array Matrix of the symmetry operation in the basis of eigenstates of the Bloch Hamiltonian :math:`H(k)`. """ npw1 = igall.shape[1] multZ = np.exp(-1.0j * (2 * np.pi *[:3, :] + K[:, None]))) igrot = transformed_g(K, igall, RecLattice, A) if spinor: WF1 = np.stack([WF[:, igrot], WF[:, igrot + npw1]], axis=2).conj() WF2 = np.stack([WF[:, :npw1], WF[:, npw1:]], axis=2) return np.einsum("mgs,ngt,g,st->mn", WF1, WF2, multZ, S) else: return np.einsum("mg,ng,g->mn", WF[:, igrot].conj(), WF, multZ)