Source code for irrep.readfiles

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## This file is distributed as part of                           #
## "IrRep" code and under terms of GNU General Public license v3 #
## see LICENSE file in the                                       #
##                                                               #
##  Written by Stepan Tsirkin, University of Zurich.             #
##  e-mail:                         #

import numpy as np
import scipy
from import FortranFile as FF
from sys import stdout
from .utility import FortranFileR as FFR
from .utility import str2bool, BOHR, split, log_message
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET

Rydberg_eV = 13.605693  # eV
Hartree_eV = 2 * Rydberg_eV

[docs] class WAVECARFILE: """ Routines to read info from file WAVECAR of VASP. Parameters ---------- fname : str, default=None Name of the WAVECAR file. RL : int, default=3 Length parameter used to locate info in the file. Attributes ---------- f : file object Corresponds to `fname`. rl : int Equal to parameter `RL`. """ def __init__(self, filename, RL=3): self.f = open(filename, "rb") self.rl = 3 # RECLENGTH=3 # the length of a record in WAVECAR. It is defined in the # first record, so let it be 3 fo far" self.rl, ispin, iprec = [int(x) for x in self.record(0)] if iprec != 45200: raise RuntimeError("double precision WAVECAR is not supported") if ispin != 1: raise RuntimeError( "WAVECAR contains spin-polarized non-spinor wavefunctions. " + "ISPIN={0} this is not supported yet".format(ispin) )
[docs] def record(self, irec, cnt=np.inf, dtype=float): """An auxilary function to get records from WAVECAR""" * self.rl) return np.fromfile(self.f, dtype=dtype, count=min(self.rl, cnt))
[docs] def record_abinit(fWFK, st): """ An auxilary function to get records from WAVECAR Parameters ---------- fWFK : file object Corresponds to the WFK file of Abinit. st : str Format to be read. Returns ------- r : str String read. """ r = fWFK.read_record(st) if scipy.__version__.split(".")[0] == "0": r = r[0] return r
[docs] class ParserAbinit(): """ Parse header of the WFK file of Abinit. Parameters --------- filename : str Name of the WFK file of Abinit. Attributes ---------- fWFK : file object Corresponds to the WFK file. kpt : array Each row contains the direct coordinates of a k-point. nband : array Each element contains the number of bands in a k-point. spinor : bool Whether the DFT calculation involved spinors (SOC) or not npwarr : array Each element is the number of plane waves used at a k-point kpt : array Each row contains the coordinates of a k-point in the DFT BZ Notes ----- Abinit's routines that write the header can be found `here <>`_ or in the file `src/56_io_mpi/m_hdr.f90`. """ def __init__(self, filename): #fWFK = FF(fname, "r") self.fWFK = FFR(filename) # temporary self.kpt_count = 0 # index of the next k-point to be read
[docs] def parse_header(self, v=0): ''' Parse header of WFK file and save as attributes quantities that will be used in the rest of methods Parameters ---------- v : int, default=0 Verbosity level. Default set to minimal printing Returns ------- nband : array Each element contains the number of bands in a k-point. nkpt : int Number of k-points in WFK file rprimd : array Each row contains the Cartesian coords of a DFT cell vector ecut : float Plane-wave cutoff used for the DFT calculation spinor : bool Whether the DFT calculation involved spinors (SOC) or not typat : array Each element is an integer expressing the type ion xred : array Each row contains the direct coords of an ion efermi : float Fermi energy ''' # 1st record # write(unit=header) codvsn,headform,fform try: # version < 9.0.0 record = record_abinit(self.fWFK, 'a6,2i4') except: # version > 9.0.0 self.fWFK.goto_record(0) record = record_abinit(self.fWFK, 'a8,2i4') stdout.flush() # Check version number of Abinit codsvn = record[0][0].decode('ascii').strip() headform, fform = record[0][1] defversion = ['8.6.3', '9.6.2', '8.4.4', '8.10.3'] if codsvn not in defversion: msg = ("WARNING, the version {0} of abinit is not in {1} " "and may not be fully tested" .format(codsvn, defversion)) log_message(msg, v, 1) if headform < 80: raise ValueError( "Head form {0}<80 is not supported".format(headform) ) # 2nd record # write(unit=header) bantot,date,intxc,ixc,natom,ngfft(1:3), nkpt,& # & nspden,nspinor,nsppol,nsym,npsp,ntypat,occopt,pertcase,usepaw,& # & ecut,ecutdg,ecutsm,ecut_eff,qptn(1:3),rprimd(1:3,1:3),stmbias,& # & tphysel,tsmear,usewvl, hdr%nshiftk_orig, hdr%nshiftk, hdr%mband record = record_abinit(self.fWFK, '18i4,19f8,4i4')[0] stdout.flush() (bandtot, natom, nkpt, nsym, npsp, nsppol, ntypat, usepaw, nspinor, occopt) = np.array(record[0])[[0, 4, 8, 12, 13, 11, 14, 17, 10, 15]] rprimd = record[1][7:16].reshape((3, 3)) ecut = record[1][0] * Hartree_eV nshiftk_orig = record[2][1] nshiftk = record[2][2] # Check spin-polarization and if wave functions are spinors if nsppol != 1: raise RuntimeError( "Only nsppol=1 is supported. found {0}".format(nsppol) ) if occopt == 9: # extra records since Abinit v9 raise RuntimeError("occopt=9 is not supported.") if nspinor == 2: spinor = True elif nspinor == 1: spinor = False else: raise RuntimeError( "Unexpected value nspinor = {0}".format(nspinor) ) # 3rd record # write(unit=header) istwfk(1:nkpt),nband(1:nkpt*nsppol),& # & npwarr(1:nkpt),so_psp(1:npsp),symafm(1:nsym), & # & symrel(1:3,1:3,1:nsym),typat(1:natom), kpt(1:3,1:nkpt), & # & occ(1:bantot),tnons(1:3,1:nsym),znucltypat(1:ntypat), & # & wtk(1:nkpt) fmt = ('{nkpt}i4,{n2}i4,{nkpt}i4,{npsp}i4,{nsym}i4,({nsym},3,3)i4,' '{natom}i4,({nkpt},3)f8,{bandtot}f8,({nsym},3)f8,{ntypat}f8,' '{nkpt}f8' .format( nkpt=nkpt, n2=nkpt * nsppol, npsp=npsp, nsym=nsym, natom=natom, bandtot=bandtot, ntypat=ntypat) ) record = record_abinit(self.fWFK, fmt)[0] typat = record[6] kpt = record[7] nband = record[1] istwfk = record[0] npwarr = record[2] # istwfk and npwarr are int, should be set, array and array if nkpt == 1: istwfk = set([int(istwfk)]) npwarr = np.array([npwarr]) nband = np.array([nband]) else: istwfk = set(istwfk) # Check that istwfk was 1 and consistency of number of bands if istwfk != {1}: raise ValueError(("istwfk should be 1 for all kpoints. Found {0}" .format(istwfk)) ) assert np.sum(nband) == bandtot, "Probably a bug in Abinit" # 4th record # write(unit,err=10, iomsg=errmsg) hdr%residm, hdr%xred(:,:), & # & hdr%etot, hdr%fermie, hdr%amu(:) record = record_abinit( self.fWFK, 'f8,({natom},3)f8,f8,f8,{ntypat}f8'.format(natom=natom, ntypat=ntypat ) )[0] xred = record[1] efermi = record[3] * Hartree_eV # 5th record: skip it # write(unit,err=10, iomsg=errmsg) & # & hdr%kptopt, hdr%pawcpxocc, hdr%nelect, hdr%charge, & # & hdr%icoulomb, hdr%kptrlatt,hdr%kptrlatt_orig, & # & hdr%shiftk_orig(:,1:hdr%nshiftk_orig), & # & hdr%shiftk(:,1:hdr%nshiftk) fmt = ('i4,i4,f8,f8,i4,(3,3)i4,(3,3)i4,({nshiftkorig},3)f8,' '({nshiftk},3)f8' .format(nshiftkorig=nshiftk_orig, nshiftk=nshiftk) ) record = record_abinit(self.fWFK,fmt)[0] # 6th record: skip it # read(unit, err=10, iomsg=errmsg) hdr%title(ipsp), & # & hdr%znuclpsp(ipsp), hdr%zionpsp(ipsp), hdr%pspso(ipsp), & # & hdr%pspdat(ipsp), hdr%pspcod(ipsp), hdr%pspxc(ipsp), & # & hdr%lmn_size(ipsp), hdr%md5_pseudos(ipsp) for ipsp in range(npsp): record = record_abinit(self.fWFK, "a132,f8,f8,5i4,a32")[0] # 7th record: additional records if usepaw=1 if usepaw == 1: record_abinit(self.fWFK,"i4") record_abinit(self.fWFK,"i4") # Set as attributes quantities that need to be retrieved by the rest of methods self.nband = nband self.spinor = spinor self.npwarr = npwarr self.kpt = kpt return (nband, nkpt, rprimd, ecut, spinor, typat, xred, efermi)
[docs] def parse_kpoint(self, ik): ''' Parse block of a k-point from WFK file Returns ------- CG : array Each row contains the coefficients of the plane-wave expansion of a wave function eigen : array Energies of the wave functions kg : array Each row contains the direct coords of a reciprocal vector used in the expansion of wave functions ''' nspinor = 2 if self.spinor else 1 # We need to skip lines in fWFK until we reach the lines of ik for i in range(self.kpt_count, ik+1): if self.kpt_count < ik: skip = True else: skip = False # 1st record: npw, nspinor, nband record = record_abinit(self.fWFK, "i4") # [0] npw, nspinor_loc, nband = record assert npw == self.npwarr[ik], ("Different number of plane waves " "in header and k-point's block. " "Probably a bug in Abinit...") assert nspinor_loc == nspinor, ("Different values of nspinor in " "header and k-point's block. " "Probably a bug in Abinit...") assert nband == self.nband[ik], ("Different number of bands in " "header and k-point's block. " "Probably a bug in Abinit...") # 2nd record: reciprocal lattice vectors in the expansion kg = record_abinit(self.fWFK, "i4").reshape(npw, 3) # 3rd record: energies and occupations record = record_abinit(self.fWFK, "f8") if not skip: eigen = record[:nband] eigen *= Hartree_eV # 4th record: coefficients of expansions in plane waves if skip: record = record_abinit(self.fWFK, "f8") else: CG = np.zeros((nband, npw * nspinor), dtype=complex) for iband in range(nband): record = record_abinit(self.fWFK, "f8") CG[iband] = record[0::2] + 1.0j * record[1::2] self.kpt_count += 1 return CG, eigen, kg
# Check orthonormality for norm-conserving pseudos #if self.usepaw == 0: # largest_value = np.max(np.abs(CG.conj().dot(CG.T) # - np.eye(IBend - IBstart))) # assert largest_value < 1e-10, "Wave functions are not orthonormal"
[docs] class ParserVasp: """ Parser for Vasp interface Parameters --------- fPOS : str Name of the POSCAR file. fWAV : str Name of the WAVECAR file. onlysym : bool To stop right after parsing the POSCAR, before parsing the header of the WAVECAR. Attributes ---------- fPOS : str Name of the POSCAR file. fWAV : class Instance of `WAVECARFILE` """ def __init__(self, fPOS, fWAV, onlysym=False): self.fPOS = fPOS if not onlysym: self.fWAV = WAVECARFILE(fWAV)
[docs] def parse_poscar(self, v=0): """ Parses POSCAR. Parameters ---------- v : int, default=0 Verbosity level. Default set to minimal printing Returns ------ lattice : array 3x3 array where cartesian coordinates of basis vectors **a**, **b** and **c** are given in rows. positions : array Each row contains the direct coordinates of an ion's position. typat : list Each element is a number identifying the atomic species of an ion. """ msg = f'Reading POSCAR: {self.fPOS}' log_message(msg, v, 1) fpos = (l.strip() for l in open(self.fPOS)) title = next(fpos) # title del title lattice = float( next(fpos)) * np.array([next(fpos).split() for i in range(3)], dtype=float) try: nat = np.array(next(fpos).split(), dtype=int) except BaseException: nat = np.array(next(fpos).split(), dtype=int) typat = [i + 1 for i in range(len(nat)) for j in range(nat[i])] l = next(fpos) if l[0] in ['s', 'S']: l = next(fpos) cartesian=False if l[0].lower()=='c': cartesian=True elif l[0].lower()!='d': raise RuntimeError( 'only "direct" or "cartesian"atomic coordinates are supproted') positions = np.zeros((np.sum(nat), 3)) i = 0 for l in fpos: if i >= sum(nat): break try: positions[i] = np.array(l.split()[:3]) i += 1 except Exception as err: log_message(err, msg, 1) pass if sum(nat) != i: raise RuntimeError( "not all atomic positions were read : {0} of {1}".format( i, sum(nat))) if cartesian: positions = return lattice, positions, typat
[docs] def parse_header(self): ''' Parse header of WAVECAR Returns ------- NK : int Number of k-points NBin : int Number of bands Ecut0 : float Plane-wave cutoff (in eV) used in DFT lattice : array Each row contains the cartesian coords of a unit cell vector ''' tmp = self.fWAV.record(1) NK = int(tmp[0]) NBin = int(tmp[1]) Ecut0 = tmp[2] lattice = np.array(tmp[3:12]).reshape(3, 3) return NK, NBin, Ecut0, lattice
[docs] def parse_kpoint(self, ik, NBin, spinor): ''' Parse block of a particular k-point from WAVECAR Parameters ---------- ik : int Index of the k-point NBin : int Number of bands spinor : bool Whether wave functions are spinors (SOC) Returns ------- Energy : array Energy levels. Degenerate levels are repeated kpt : array Direct coords of the k-points with respect to the basis vectors of the DFT reciprocal space cell npw : int Number of plane waves in the expansion of wave functions ''' r = self.fWAV.record(2 + ik * (NBin + 1)) # Check if number of plane waves is even for spinors npw = int(r[0]) if spinor and npw % 2 != 0: raise RuntimeError("odd number of coefs {0} for spinor " "wavefunctions".format(npw)) kpt = r[1:4] Energy = np.array(r[4 : 4 + NBin * 3]).reshape(NBin, 3)[:, 0] WF = np.zeros((NBin, npw), dtype=np.complex64) for ib in range(NBin): WF[ib] = self.fWAV.record(3 + ik * (NBin + 1) + ib, npw, np.complex64) return WF, Energy, kpt, npw
[docs] class ParserEspresso: ''' Parser of the interface for Quantum Espresso Parameters ---------- prefix : str Prefix that serves as path to the `.save` directory. For example: if the path is `./foo/` then `prefix` is `foo/bar`. Attributes ---------- prefix : str Prefix that serves as path to the `.save` directory. input : class Instance of `Element` in the ElementTree XML API corresponding to tag `input` in `data-file-schema.xml` file bandstructure : class Instance of `Element` in the ElementTree XML API corresponding to tag `band_structure` in `data-file-schema.xml` file spinor : bool Whether wave functions are spinors (SOC) ''' def __init__(self, prefix): self.prefix = prefix mytree = ET.parse(prefix + ".save/data-file-schema.xml") myroot = mytree.getroot() self.input = myroot.find("input") outp = myroot.find("output") self.bandstr = outp.find("band_structure") # todo: define spinor as property with getter self.spinor = str2bool(self.bandstr.find("noncolin").text)
[docs] def parse_header(self): ''' Parse universal info of the bandstructure from `data-file-schema.xml` file Returns ------- spinpol : bool Whether the calculation is spin-polarized Ecut0 : float Plane-wave cutoff (in eV) used in DFT EF : float Fermi energy in eV NK : int Number of k-points NBin_list : list If the calculation was spin polarized, `NBin_list[0]` and `NBin_list[1]` are the number of bands for spin up and down channels, respectively. Otherwise, `NBin_list[0]` is the number of bands. ''' Ecut0 = float(self.input.find("basis").find("ecutwfc").text) Ecut0 *= Hartree_eV NK = len(self.bandstr.findall("ks_energies")) # Parse number of bands try: NBin_dw=int(self.bandstr.find('nbnd_dw').text) NBin_up=int(self.bandstr.find('nbnd_up').text) spinpol=True print("spin-polarised bandstructure composed of {} up and {} dw " "states".format(NBin_up,NBin_dw)) NBin_dw+NBin_up except AttributeError: spinpol=False NBin=int(self.bandstr.find('nbnd').text) try: EF = float(self.bandstr.find("fermi_energy").text) * Hartree_eV except: EF = None if spinpol: NBin_list = [NBin_up, NBin_dw] else: NBin_list = [NBin] return spinpol, Ecut0, EF, NK, NBin_list
[docs] def parse_lattice(self): ''' Parse info about the crystal structure from `data-file-schema.xml` file Returns ------- lattice : array Each row contains the cartesian coords of a DFT unit cell vector positions : array Each row contains the direct coords of an ion in the DFT cell typat : list Indices that describe the type of element at each position. All ions of the same type share the same index. alat : float Lattice parameter in Quantum Espresso's convention ''' ntyp = int(self.input.find("atomic_species").attrib["ntyp"]) struct = self.input.find("atomic_structure") nat = int(struct.attrib["nat"]) alat = float(struct.attrib["alat"]) del nat # Parse lattice vectors lattice = [] for i in range(3): lattice.append(struct.find("cell").find("a{}".format(i + 1)).text.strip().split()) lattice = BOHR * np.array(lattice, dtype=float) # Parse atomic positions in cartesian coordinates positions = [] for at in struct.find("atomic_positions").findall("atom"): positions.append(at.text.split()) positions =, dtype=float)*BOHR, np.linalg.inv(lattice)) # Parse indices denoting type of atom atnames = [] for sp in self.input.find("atomic_species").findall("species"): atnames.append(sp.attrib["name"]) if len(atnames) != ntyp: raise RuntimeError("Error in the assigment of atom species. " "Probably a bug in Quantum Espresso, but " "your DFT input files") atnumbers = {atn: i + 1 for i, atn in enumerate(atnames)} typat = [] for at in struct.find("atomic_positions").findall("atom"): typat.append(atnumbers[at.attrib["name"]]) return lattice, positions, typat, alat
[docs] def parse_kpoint(self, ik, NBin, spin_channel, v=0): ''' Parse block of a particular k-point from `data-file-schema.xml` file Parameters ---------- ik : int Index of the k-point NBin : int Number of bands spin_channel : str `up` for spin up, `dw` for spin down, `None` if not spin polarized Returns ------- WF : array Each row contains the coefficients of the plane-wave expansion of a wave function Energy : array Energy levels in eV. Degenerate levels are repeated kg : array Each row contains the direct coords (ints) of a plane wave's reciprocal lattice vector kpt : array Direct coords of the k-point w.r.t. DFT cell vectors v : int, default=0 Verbosity level. Default set to minimalistic printing ''' kptxml = self.bandstr.findall("ks_energies")[ik] # Parse energy levels Energy = np.array(kptxml.find("eigenvalues").text.split(), dtype=float) Energy *= Hartree_eV # Open file with the wave functions wfcname="wfc{}{}".format({None:"","dw":"dw","up":"up"}[spin_channel], ik+1) try: fWFC=FF("{}.save/{}.dat".format(self.prefix,wfcname.lower()),"r") except FileNotFoundError: fWFC=FF("{}.save/{}.dat".format(self.prefix,wfcname.upper()),"r") rec = record_abinit(fWFC, "i4,3f8,i4,i4,f8")[0] kpt = rec[1] # cartesian coords of k-point rec = record_abinit(fWFC, "4i4") igwx = rec[1] # Determine direct coords of k-point rec = record_abinit(fWFC, "(3,3)f8") B = np.array(rec) kpt = rec = record_abinit(fWFC, "({},3)i4".format(igwx)) kg = np.array(rec) # Parse coefficients of wave functions npw = int(kptxml.find("npw").text) npwtot = npw * (2 if self.spinor else 1) msg = 'npwtot: {}, igwx: {}'.format(npwtot, igwx) log_message(msg, v, 2) WF = np.zeros((NBin, npwtot), dtype=complex) for ib in range(NBin): rec = record_abinit(fWFC, "{}f8".format(npwtot * 2)) WF[ib] = rec[0::2] + 1.0j * rec[1::2] return WF, Energy, kg, kpt
[docs] class ParserW90: ''' Parser for Wannier90's interface Parameters ---------- prefix : str Part of the path that serves as prefix for the `` file. For example: if the path is `./foo/`, then `prefix` is `foo/bar` Attributes ---------- prefix : str Part of the path that serves as prefix for the `` file. fwin : list Each element is a list of a non-comment line in `` file, split by blank spaces ind : list Each element is the first keyword of a line in `` iterwin : iterator object Iterator object for attribute `fwin` NBin : int Number of DFT bands spinor : bool Whether wave functions are spinors (SOC) NK : int Number of k-points in DFT calculation ''' def __init__(self, prefix): self.prefix = prefix self.fwin = [l.strip().lower() for l in open(prefix + ".win").readlines()] self.fwin = [ [s.strip() for s in split(l)] for l in self.fwin if len(l) > 0 and l[0] not in ("!", "#") ] self.ind = np.array([l[0] for l in self.fwin]) self.iterwin = iter(self.fwin)
[docs] def parse_header(self): ''' Parse universal properties of the band structure Returns ------- NK : int Number of k-points in DFT calculation NBin : int Number of DFT bands spinor : bool Whether wave functions are spinors (SOC) EF : float Fermi energy in eV ''' self.NBin = self.get_param("num_bands", int) self.spinor = str2bool(self.get_param("spinors", str)) try: EF = self.get_param("fermi_energy", float, None) except RuntimeError: EF = None self.NK ="mp_grid", str).split(), dtype=int)) return self.NK, self.NBin, self.spinor, EF
[docs] def parse_lattice(self): ''' Parse crystal structure from `` file Returns ------- lattice : array Each row contains the cartesian coords of a DFT unit cell vector positions : array Each row contains the direct coords of an ion in the DFT cell typat : list Indices that describe the type of element at each position. All ions of the same type share the same index. kpred : array Each row contains the direct coords of a k-point in the DFT cell ''' # Initialize quantities to make sure they aren't twice in .win lattice = None kpred = None found_atoms = False for l in self.iterwin: if l[0].startswith("begin"): # Parse lattice vectors if l[1] == "unit_cell_cart": if lattice is not None: raise RuntimeError( "'begin unit_cell_cart' found more then once in {}.win".format( self.prefix )) l1 = next(self.iterwin) if l1[0] in ("bohr", "ang"): units = l1[0] L = [next(self.iterwin) for i in range(3)] else: units = "ang" L = [l1] + [next(self.iterwin) for i in range(2)] lattice = np.array(L, dtype=float) if units == "bohr": lattice *= BOHR self.check_end("unit_cell_cart") # Parse k-points elif l[1] == "kpoints": if kpred is not None: raise RuntimeError( "'begin kpoints' found more then once in {}.win".format( self.prefix )) kpred = np.zeros((self.NK, 3), dtype=float) for i in range(self.NK): kpred[i] = next(self.iterwin)[:3] self.check_end("kpoints") # Parse atomic positions elif l[1].startswith("atoms_"): if l[1][6:10] not in ("cart", "frac"): raise RuntimeError("unrecognised block : '{}' ".format(l[0])) if found_atoms: raise RuntimeError( "'begin atoms_***' found more then once in {}.win".format( self.prefix )) found_atoms = True positions = [] nameat = [] while True: l1 = next(self.iterwin) if l1[0] == "end": if l1[1] != l[1]: raise RuntimeError( "'{}' ended with 'end {}'".format( " ".join(l), l1[1] ) ) else: break nameat.append(l1[0]) positions.append(l1[1:4]) typatdic = {n: i + 1 for i, n in enumerate(set(nameat))} typat = [typatdic[n] for n in nameat] positions = np.array(positions, dtype=float) if l[1][6:10] == "cart": # from cartesian to direct coords positions = return lattice, positions, typat, kpred
[docs] def parse_energies(self): ''' Parse energies from `wannier90.eig` file Returns ------- Energy : array Each row contains the energy levels of a k-point. Degenerate levels are repeated ''' feig = self.prefix + ".eig" Energy = np.loadtxt(self.prefix + ".eig") try: if Energy.shape[0] != self.NBin * self.NK: raise RuntimeError("wrong number of entries ") ik = np.array(Energy[:, 1]).reshape(self.NK, self.NBin) if not np.all( ik == np.arange(1, self.NK + 1)[:, None] * np.ones(self.NBin, dtype=int)[None, :] ): raise RuntimeError("wrong k-point indices") ib = np.array(Energy[:, 0]).reshape(self.NK, self.NBin) if not np.all( ib == np.arange(1, self.NBin + 1)[None, :] * np.ones(self.NK, dtype=int)[:, None] ): raise RuntimeError("wrong band indices") Energy = Energy[:, 2].reshape(self.NK, self.NBin) except Exception as err: raise RuntimeError(" error reading {} : {}".format(feig,err)) return Energy
[docs] def parse_kpoint(self, ik, selectG): ''' Parse wave functions' file of a k-point Parameters ---------- ik : int Index of the k-point selectG : array First 3 rows of the array returned by :func:`~gvectors.calc_gvectors` Returns ------- WF : array Each row contains the coefficients of the expansion of a wave function in plane waves ''' fname = "UNK{:05d}.{}".format(ik, "NC" if self.spinor else "1") fUNK = FF(fname, "r") ngx, ngy, ngz, ik_in, nbnd = record_abinit(fUNK, "i4,i4,i4,i4,i4")[0] ngtot = ngx * ngy * ngz nspinor = 2 if self.spinor else 1 # Checks of consistency between UKN and .win if ik_in != ik: raise RuntimeError( "file {} contains point number {}, expected {}".format( fname, ik_in, ik )) if nbnd != self.NBin: raise RuntimeError( "file {} contains {} bands , expected {}".format(fname, nbnd, self.NBin) ) # Parse WF coefficients WF = [] for ib in range(self.NBin): WF_tmp = [] for i in range(nspinor): cg_tmp = record_abinit(fUNK, "{}f8".format(ngtot * 2)) cg_tmp = (cg_tmp[0::2] + 1.0j * cg_tmp[1::2]).reshape( (ngx, ngy, ngz), order="F") cg_tmp = np.fft.fftn(cg_tmp) WF_tmp.append(cg_tmp[selectG]) WF.append(np.hstack(WF_tmp)) WF = np.array(WF) return WF
[docs] def parse_grid(self, ik): ''' Parse grid of plane waves for a k-point from the file of wave functions Parameters ---------- ik : int Index of k-point Returns ------- ngx : int Number of k-point along 1st direction in reciprocal space ngy : int Number of k-point along 2nd direction in reciprocal space ngz : int Number of k-point along 3rd direction in reciprocal space ''' fname = "UNK{:05d}.{}".format(ik, "NC" if self.spinor else "1") fUNK = FF(fname, "r") ngx, ngy, ngz, ik_in, nbnd = record_abinit(fUNK, "i4,i4,i4,i4,i4")[0] fUNK.close() return ngx, ngy, ngz
[docs] def check_end(self, name): """ Check if block in .win file is closed. Parameters ---------- name : str Name of the block in .win file. Raises ------ RuntimeError Block is not closed. """ s = next(self.iterwin) if " ".join(s) != "end " + name: raise RuntimeError( "expected 'end {}, found {}'".format(name, " ".join(s)) )
[docs] def get_param(self, key, tp, default=None, join=False): """ Return value of a parameter in .win file. Parameters ---------- key : str Wannier90 input parameter. tp : function Function to apply to the value of the parameter, before returning it. default Default value to return in case parameter `key` is not found. join : bool, default=False If the value of parameter `key` contains more than one element, they will be concatenated with a blank space if `join` is set to `True`. Used when the parameter is `mpgrid`. Returns ------- Type(`tp`) Return the value of the parameter, after applying function passed es keyword `tp`. Raises ------ RuntimeError The parameter is not found in .win file, it is found more than once or its value is formed by many elements but it is not `mpgrid`. """ i = np.where(self.ind == key)[0] if len(i) == 0: if default is None: raise RuntimeError( "parameter {} was not found in {}.win".format(key, self.prefix) ) else: return default if len(i) > 1: raise RuntimeError( "parameter {} was found {} times in {}.win".format( key, len(i), self.prefix ) ) x = self.fwin[i[0]][1:] # mp_grid should work if len(x) > 1: if join: x = " ".join(x) else: raise RuntimeError( "length {} found for parameter {}, rather than lenght 1 in {}.win".format( len(x), key, self.prefix ) ) else: x = self.fwin[i[0]][1] return tp(x)