Source code for irrep.spacegroup

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## This file is distributed as part of                           #
## "IrRep" code and under terms of GNU General Public license v3 #
## see LICENSE file in the                                       #
##                                                               #
##  Written by Stepan Tsirkin, University of Zurich.             #
##  e-mail:                         #

import warnings
import numpy as np
from math import pi
from scipy.linalg import expm
import spglib
from irreptables import IrrepTable
from scipy.optimize import minimize
from .utility import str_, log_message, BOHR
from packaging import version

pauli_sigma = np.array(
    [[[0, 1], [1, 0]], [[0, -1j], [1j, 0]], [[1, 0], [0, -1]]])

[docs] class SymmetryOperation(): """ Contains information to describe a symmetry operation and methods to get info about the symmetry, transform it to a reference choice of unit cell and print a description of it. Parameters ---------- rotation : array, shape=(3,3) Matrix describing the tranformation of basis vectors of the unit cell under the symmetry operation. translation : array, shape=(3,) Translational part of the symmetry operation, in terms of the basis vectors of the unit cell. Lattice : array, shape=(3,3) Each row contains cartesian coordinates of a basis vector forming the unit-cell in real space. ind : int, default=-1 Index of the symmetry operation. spinor : bool, default=true `True` if wave-functions are spinors, `False` if they are scalars. Attributes --------- ind : int Index of the symmetry operation. rotation : array, shape=(3,3) Matrix describing the tranformation of basis vectors of the unit cell under the symmetry operation. translation : array, shape=(3,) Translational part of the symmetry operation, in terms of the basis vectors of the unit cell. Lattice : array, shape=(3,3) Each row contains cartesian coordinates of a basis vector forming the unit-cell in real space. axis : array, shape=(3,) Rotation axis of the symmetry. angle : float Rotation angle of the symmmetry, in radians. inversion : bool `False` if the symmetry preserves handedness (identity, rotation, translation or screw rotation), `True` otherwise (inversion, reflection roto-inversion or glide reflection). angle_str : str String describing the rotation angle in radians. spinor : bool `True` if wave-functions are spinors, `False` if they are scalars. spinor_rotation : array, shape=(2,2) Matrix describing how spinors transform under the symmetry. sign : float Factor needed to match the matrix for the rotation of spinors to that in tables. """ def __init__(self, rot, trans, Lattice, ind=-1, spinor=True): self.ind = ind self.rotation = rot self.Lattice = Lattice self.translation = trans % 1 self.translation[1 - self.translation < 1e-5] = 0 self.axis, self.angle, self.inversion = self._get_operation_type() iangle = (round(self.angle / pi * 6) + 6) % 12 - 6 if iangle == -6: iangle = 6 self.angle = iangle * pi / 6 self.angle_str = self.get_angle_str() self.spinor = spinor self.spinor_rotation = expm(-0.5j * self.angle * np.einsum('i,ijk->jk', self.axis, pauli_sigma)) self.sign = 1 # May be changed later externally
[docs] def get_angle_str(self): """ Give str of rotation angle. Returns ------- str Rotation angle in radians. Raises ------ RuntimeError Angle does not belong to 1, 2, 3, 4 or 6-fold rotation. """ accur = 1e-4 def is_close_int(x): return abs((x + 0.5) % 1 - 0.5) < accur api = self.angle / np.pi if abs(api) < 0.01: return " 0 " for n in 1, 2, 3, 4, 6: if is_close_int(api * n): return "{0:.0f}{1} pi".format( round(api * n), "" if n == 1 else "/" + str(n)) raise RuntimeError( "{0} pi rotation cannot be in the space group".format(api))
def _get_operation_type(self): """ Calculates the rotation axis and angle of the symmetry and if it preserves handedness or not. Returns ------- tuple The first element is an array describing the rotation axis. The second element describes the rotation angle. The third element is a boolean, `True` if the symmetry preserves handedness (determinant -1). """ rotxyz = self.rotation).dot( np.linalg.inv( self.Lattice).T) # print ("rotation in real space:\n",rotxyz) E, V = np.linalg.eig(rotxyz) if not np.isclose(abs(E), 1).all(): raise RuntimeError( "some eigenvalues of the rotation are not unitary") if < 0: inversion = True E *= -1 else: inversion = False idx = np.argsort(E.real) E = E[idx] V = V[:, idx] axis = V[:, 2].real if np.isclose(E[:2], 1).all(): angle = 0 elif np.isclose(E[:2], -1).all(): angle = np.pi else: angle = np.angle(E[0]) v = V[:, 0] s = np.real(np.linalg.det([v, v.conj(), axis]) / 1.j) if np.isclose(s, -1): angle = 2 * np.pi - angle elif not np.isclose(s, 1): raise RuntimeError("the sign of rotation should be +-1") return (axis, angle, inversion)
[docs] def rotation_refUC(self, refUC): """ Calculate the matrix of the symmetry in the reference cell choice. Parameters ---------- refUC : array 3x3 array describing the transformation of vectors defining the unit cell to the standard setting. Returns ------- R1 : array, shape=(3,3) Matrix for the transformation of basis vectors forming the reference unit cell. Raises ------ RuntimeError If the matrix contains non-integer elements after the transformation. """ R = np.linalg.inv(refUC).dot(self.rotation).dot(refUC) R1 = np.array(R.round(), dtype=int) if (abs(R - R1).max() > 1e-6): raise RuntimeError( "the rotation in the reference UC is not integer. Is that OK? \n{0}".format(R)) return R1
[docs] def translation_refUC(self, refUC, shiftUC): """ Calculate translation in reference choice of unit cell. Parameters ---------- refUC : array 3x3 array describing the transformation of vectors defining the unit cell to the standard setting. shiftUC : array Translation taking the origin of the unit cell used in the DFT calculation to that of the standard setting. Returns ------- array Translation in reference choice of unit cell. """ t_ref = - shiftUC + self.translation + t_ref = np.linalg.inv(refUC).dot(t_ref) return t_ref
[docs] def show(self, refUC=np.eye(3), shiftUC=np.zeros(3)): """ Print description of symmetry operation. Parameters ---------- refUC : array, default=np.eye(3) 3x3 array describing the transformation of vectors defining the unit cell to the standard setting. shiftUC : array, default=np.zeros(3) Translation taking the origin of the unit cell used in the DFT calculation to that of the standard setting. """ def parse_row_transform(mrow): s = "" coord = ["kx","ky","kz"] is_first = True for i in range(len(mrow)): b = int(mrow[i]) if np.isclose(mrow[i],int(mrow[i])) else mrow[i] if b == 0: continue if b == 1: if is_first: s += coord[i] else: s += "+" + coord[i] elif b == -1: s += "-" + coord[i] else: if b > 0: s += "+" + str(b) + coord[i] else: s += str(b) + coord[i] is_first = False return s if (not np.allclose(refUC, np.eye(3)) or not np.allclose(shiftUC, np.zeros(3))): write_ref = True # To avoid writing this huge block again else: write_ref = False # Print header print("\n ### {} \n".format(self.ind)) # Print rotation part rotstr = [s + " ".join("{0:3d}".format(x) for x in row) + t for s, row, t in zip(["rotation : |", " " * 11 + "|", " " * 11 + "|"], self.rotation, [" |", " |", " |"])] if write_ref: fstr = ("{0:3d}") R = self.rotation_refUC(refUC) rotstr1 = [" " * 5 + s + " ".join(fstr.format(x) for x in row) + t for s, row, t in zip(["rotation : |", " (refUC) |", " " * 11 + "|" ], R, [" |", " |", " |"])] rotstr = [r + r1 for r, r1 in zip(rotstr, rotstr1)] kstring = "gk = [" + ", ".join( [parse_row_transform(r) for r in np.transpose(np.linalg.inv(self.rotation))] ) + "]" if write_ref: kstring += " | refUC: gk = ["+", ".join( [parse_row_transform(r) for r in np.transpose(np.linalg.inv(R))] )+ "]" print("\n".join(rotstr)) print("\n\n",kstring) # Print spinor transformation matrix if self.spinor: spinstr = [s + " ".join("{0:6.3f}{1:+6.3f}j".format(x.real, x.imag) for x in row) + t for s, row, t in zip(["\nspinor rot. : |", " " * 22 + "|", ], self.spinor_rotation, [" |", " |"] ) ] print("\n".join(spinstr)) if write_ref: spinstr = [s + " ".join("{0:6.3f}{1:+6.3f}j".format(x.real, x.imag) for x in row) + t for s, row, t in zip(["spinor rot. (refUC) : |", " " * 22 + "|", ], self.spinor_rotation*self.sign, [" |", " |"] ) ] print("\n".join(spinstr)) # Print translation part trastr = ("\ntranslation : [ " + " ".join("{0:8.4f}" .format(x%1) for x in self.translation.round(6) ) + " ] " ) print(trastr) if write_ref: _t=self.translation_refUC(refUC,shiftUC) trastr = ("translation (refUC) : [ " + " ".join("{0:8.4f}" .format(x%1) for x in _t.round(6) ) + " ] " ) print(trastr) print("\naxis: {0} ; angle = {1}, inversion : {2}\n".format( self.axis.round(6), self.angle_str, self.inversion))
[docs] def str(self, refUC=np.eye(3), shiftUC=np.zeros(3)): """ Construct description of symmetry operation. Parameters ---------- refUC : array, default=np.eye(3) 3x3 array describing the transformation of vectors defining the unit cell to the standard setting. shiftUC : array, default=np.zeros(3) Translation taking the origin of the unit cell used in the DFT calculation to that of the standard setting. Returns ------- str Description to print. """ # print ( "symmetry # ",self.ind ) R = self.rotation_refUC(refUC) t = self.translation_refUC(refUC, shiftUC) # np.savetxt(stdout,np.hstack( (R,t[:,None])),fmt="%8.5f" ) S = self.spinor_rotation return (" ".join(" ".join(str(x) for x in r) for r in R) + " " + " ".join(str_(x) for x in t) + (" " + \ " ".join(" ".join(str_(x) for x in X) for X in (np.abs(S.reshape(-1)), np.angle(S.reshape(-1)) / np.pi))))
[docs] def str2(self, refUC=np.eye(3), shiftUC=np.zeros(3)): """ Print matrix of a symmetry operation in the format: {{R|t}}-> R11,R12,...,R23,R33,t1,t2,t3 and, when SOC was included, the elements of the matrix describing the transformation of the spinor in the format: Re(S11),Im(S11),Re(S12),...,Re(S22),Im(S22). Parameters ---------- refUC : array, default=np.eye(3) 3x3 array describing the transformation of vectors defining the unit cell to the standard setting. shiftUC : array, default=np.zeros(3) Translation taking the origin of the unit cell used in the DFT calculation to that of the standard setting. Returns ------- str Description to print. """ if refUC is None: refUC = np.eye(3, dtype=int) if shiftUC is None: shiftUC = np.zeros(3, dtype=float) # this method for Bilbao server # refUC - row-vectors, expressing the reference unit cell vectors in terms of the lattice used in calculation # print ( "symmetry # ",self.ind ) R = self.rotation t = self.translation # np.savetxt(stdout,np.hstack( (R,t[:,None])),fmt="%8.5f" ) S = self.spinor_rotation return (" ".join(" ".join("{0:2d}".format(x) for x in r) for r in R) + " " + " ".join("{0:10.6f}".format(x) for x in t) + ( (" " + " ".join(" ".join("{0:10.6f}".format(x) for x in (X.real, X.imag)) for X in S.reshape(-1))) if S is not None else "") + "\n")
[docs] def str_sym(self, alat): """ Write 4 strings (+1 empty) for the prefix.sym file for sitesym in wannier90: The symmetry operations act on a point r as rR − t. Parameters ---------- alat : float Lattice parameter in angstroms. Returns ------- str Description to print. 1 blank line 3 lines: cartesian rotation matrix 1 line : cartesian translation in units of alat """ Rcart = t = - self.translation @ self.Lattice/alat/BOHR arr = np.vstack((Rcart, [t])) return "\n"+"".join(" ".join(f"{x:20.15f}" for x in r) + "\n" for r in arr )
[docs] def json_dict(self, refUC=np.eye(3), shiftUC=np.zeros(3)): ''' Prepare dictionary with info of symmetry to save in JSON Returns ------- d : dict Dictionary with info about symmetry ''' d = {} d["axis"] = self.axis d["angle str"] = self.angle_str d["angle pi"] = self.angle/np.pi d["inversion"] = self.inversion d["sign"] = self.sign d["rotation matrix"] = self.rotation d["translation"] = self.translation R = self.rotation_refUC(refUC) t = self.translation_refUC(refUC, shiftUC) d["rotation matrix refUC"] = R d["translation refUC"]= t return d
[docs] class SpaceGroup(): """ Determine the space-group and save info in attributes. Contains methods to describe and print info about the space-group. Parameters ---------- cell : tuple, default=None `cell[0]` is a 3x3 array where cartesian coordinates of basis vectors **a**, **b** and **c** are given in rows. `cell[1]` is an array where each row contains the direct coordinates of an ion's position. `cell[2]` is an array where each element is a number identifying the atomic species of an ion. See `cell` parameter of function `get_symmetry` in `Spglib <>`_. spinor : bool, default=True `True` if wave-functions are spinors (SOC), `False` if they are scalars. refUC : array, default=None 3x3 array describing the transformation of vectors defining the unit cell to the standard setting. shiftUC : array, default=None Translation taking the origin of the unit cell used in the DFT calculation to that of the standard setting. search_cell : bool, default=False Whether the transformation to the conventional cell should be computed. It is `True` if kpnames was specified in CLI. trans_thresh : float, default=1e-5 Threshold used to compare translational parts of symmetries. alat : float, default=None Lattice parameter in angstroms (quantum espresso convention). from_sym_file : str, default=None If provided, the symmetry operations are read from this file. (format of pw2wannier90 prefix.sym file) v : int, default=0 Verbosity level. Default set to minimalistic printing Attributes ---------- spinor : bool `True` if wave-functions are spinors (SOC), `False` if they are scalars. symmetries : list Each element is an instance of class `SymmetryOperation` corresponding to a symmetry in the point group of the space-group. symmetries_tables : list Attribute `symmetries` of class `IrrepTable`. Each component is an instance of class `SymopTable` corresponding to a symmetry operation in the "point-group" of the space-group. name : str Symbol of the space-group in Hermann-Mauguin notation. number : int Number of the space-group. Lattice : array, shape=(3,3) Each row contains cartesian coordinates of a basis vector forming the unit-cell in real space. positions : array Direct coordinate of sites in the DFT cell setting. typat : list Indices to identify the element in each atom. Atoms of the same element share the same index. order : int Number of symmetries in the space group (in the coset decomposition w.r.t. the translation subgroup). refUC : array, default=None 3x3 array describing the transformation of vectors defining the unit cell to the standard setting. shiftUC : array, default=None Translation taking the origin of the unit cell used in the DFT calculation to that of the standard setting. alat : float Lattice parameter in angstroms (quantum espresso convention). from_sym_file : str, default=None if provided, the symmetry operations are read from this file. (format of pw2wannier90 prefix.sym file) Notes ----- The symmetry operations to which elements in the attribute `symmetries` correspond are the operations belonging to the point group of the space-group :math:`G`, i.e. the coset representations :math:`g_i` taking part in the coset decomposition of :math:`G` w.r.t the translation subgroup :math:`T`: ..math:: G=T+ g_1 T + g_2 T +...+ g_N T """ def __init__( self, cell, spinor=True, refUC=None, shiftUC=None, search_cell=False, trans_thresh=1e-5, alat=None, from_sym_file=None, v=0 ): self.spinor = spinor self.Lattice = cell[0] self.positions = cell[1] self.typat = cell[2] (self.symmetries,, self.number, refUC_tmp, shiftUC_tmp) = self._findsym(cell, from_sym_file, alat) self.order = len(self.symmetries) self.alat=alat # Determine refUC and shiftUC according to entries in CLI self.symmetries_tables = IrrepTable(self.number, self.spinor, v=v).symmetries self.refUC, self.shiftUC = self.determine_basis_transf( refUC_cli=refUC, shiftUC_cli=shiftUC, refUC_lib=refUC_tmp, shiftUC_lib=shiftUC_tmp, search_cell=search_cell, trans_thresh=trans_thresh, v=v ) # Check matching of symmetries in refUC. If user set transf. # in the CLI and symmetries don't match, raise a warning. # Otherwise, transf. was calculated automatically and # matching of symmetries was checked in determine_basis_transf try: ind, dt, signs = self.match_symmetries(signs=self.spinor, trans_thresh=trans_thresh ) # Sort symmetries like in tables args = np.argsort(ind) for i,i_ind in enumerate(args): self.symmetries[i_ind].ind = i+1 self.symmetries[i_ind].sign = signs[i_ind] self.symmetries.append(self.symmetries[i_ind]) self.symmetries = self.symmetries[i+1:] except RuntimeError: if search_cell: # symmetries must match to identify irreps raise RuntimeError(( "refUC and shiftUC don't transform the cellto one where " "symmetries are identical to those read from tables. " "Try without specifying refUC and shiftUC." )) elif refUC is not None or shiftUC is not None: # User specified refUC or shiftUC in CLI. He/She may # want the traces in a cell that is not neither the # one in tables nor the DFT one msg = ("WARNING: refUC and shiftUC don't transform the cell to " "one where symmetries are identical to those read from " "tables. If you want to achieve the same cell as in " "tables, try not specifying refUC and shiftUC.") log_message(msg, v, 1) pass def _findsym(self, cell, from_sym_file, alat): """ Finds the space-group and constructs a list of symmetry operations Parameters ---------- cell : list `cell[0]` is a 3x3 array where cartesian coordinates of basis vectors **a**, **b** and **c** are given in rows. `cell[1]` is an array where each row contains the direct coordinates of an ion's position. `cell[2]` is an array where each element is a number identifying the atomic species of an ion. See `cell` parameter of function `get_symmetry` in `Spglib <>`_. from_sym_file : str, default=None if provided, the symmetry operations are read from this file. (format of pw2wannier90 prefix.sym file) alat : float Lattice parameter in angstroms. (quantum espresso convention) Returns ------- list Each element is an instance of class `SymmetryOperation` corresponding to a symmetry in the point group of the space-group. str Symbol of the space-group in Hermann-Mauguin notation. int Number of the space-group. array 3x3 array where cartesian coordinates of basis vectors **a**, **b** and **c** are given in rows. array 3x3 array describing the transformation of vectors defining the unit cell to the convenctional setting. array Translation taking the origin of the unit cell used in the DFT calculation to that of the standard setting of spglib. It may not be the shift taking to the convenctional cell of tables; indeed, in centrosymmetric groups they adopt origin choice 1 of ITA, rather than choice 2 (BCS). """ lattice = cell[0] dataset = spglib.get_symmetry_dataset(cell) if version.parse(spglib.__version__) < version.parse('2.5.0'): symbol = dataset['international'] number = dataset['number'] transformation_matrix = dataset['transformation_matrix'] origin_shift = dataset['origin_shift'] rotations = dataset['rotations'] translations = dataset['translations'] else: symbol = number = dataset.number transformation_matrix = dataset.transformation_matrix origin_shift = dataset.origin_shift rotations = dataset.rotations translations = dataset.translations if from_sym_file is not None: assert alat is not None, "Lattice parameter must be provided to read symmetries from file" rot_cart, trans_cart = read_sym_file(from_sym_file) rotations, translations = cart_to_crystal(rot_cart, trans_cart, lattice, alat ) symmetries = [] for i, rot in enumerate(rotations): symmetries.append(SymmetryOperation(rot, translations[i], cell[0], ind=i+1, spinor=self.spinor)) return (symmetries, symbol, number, transformation_matrix, origin_shift)
[docs] def json(self, symmetries=None): ''' Prepare dictionary with info of space group to save in JSON Returns ------- d : dict Dictionary with info about space group ''' d = {} if (np.allclose(self.refUC, np.eye(3)) and np.allclose(self.shiftUC, np.zeros(3))): cells_match = True else: cells_match = False d = {"name":, "number": self.number, "spinor": self.spinor, "num symmetries": self.order, "cells match": cells_match, "symmetries": {} } for sym in self.symmetries: if symmetries is None or sym.ind in symmetries: d["symmetries"][sym.ind] = sym.json_dict(self.refUC, self.shiftUC) return d
[docs] def show(self, symmetries=None): """ Print description of space-group and symmetry operations. Parameters ---------- symmetries : int, default=None Index of symmetry operations whose description will be printed. Run `IrRep` with flag `onlysym` to check the index corresponding to each symmetry operation. """ print('') print("\n ---------- CRYSTAL STRUCTURE ---------- \n") print('') # Print cell vectors in DFT and reference cells vecs_refUC =, self.refUC).T #vecs_refUC =, self.Lattice) print('Cell vectors in angstroms:\n') print('{:^32}|{:^32}'.format('Vectors of DFT cell', 'Vectors of REF. cell')) for i in range(3): vec1 = self.Lattice[i] vec2 = vecs_refUC[i] s = 'a{:1d} = {:7.4f} {:7.4f} {:7.4f} '.format(i, vec1[0], vec1[1], vec1[2]) s += '| ' s += 'a{:1d} = {:7.4f} {:7.4f} {:7.4f}'.format(i, vec2[0], vec2[1], vec2[2]) print(s) print() # Print atomic positions print('Atomic positions in direct coordinates:\n') print('{:^} | {:^25} | {:^25}'.format('Atom type', 'Position in DFT cell', 'Position in REF cell')) positions_refUC = for itype, pos1, pos2 in zip(self.typat, self.positions, positions_refUC): s = '{:^9d}'.format(itype) s += ' | ' s += ' '.join(['{:7.4f}'.format(x) for x in pos1]) s += ' | ' s += ' '.join(['{:7.4f}'.format(x) for x in pos2]) print(s) print() print('\n ---------- SPACE GROUP ----------- \n') print() print('Space group: {} (# {})'.format(, self.number)) print('Number of symmetries: {} (mod. lattice translations)'.format(self.order)) refUC_print = self.refUC.T # print following convention in paper print("\nThe transformation from the DFT cell to the reference cell of tables is given by: \n" + " | {} |\n".format("".join(["{:8.4f}".format(el) for el in refUC_print[0]])) + "refUC = | {} | shiftUC = {}\n".format("".join(["{:8.4f}".format(el) for el in refUC_print[1]]), np.round(self.shiftUC, 5)) + " | {} |\n".format("".join(["{:8.4f}".format(el) for el in refUC_print[2]])) ) for symop in self.symmetries: if symmetries is None or symop.ind in symmetries:, shiftUC=self.shiftUC)
[docs] def write_sym_file(self, filename, alat=None): """ Write symmetry operations to a file. Parameters ---------- filename : str Name of the file. alat : float, default=None Lattice parameter in angstroms. If not specified, the lattice parameter is not written to the file. """ if alat is None: if hasattr(self, 'alat'): alat = self.alat if alat is None: warnings.warn("Lattice parameter not specified. Symmetry operations will be written assuming A=1") alat = 1 with open(filename, "w") as f: f.write(" {0} \n".format(len(self.symmetries))) for symop in self.symmetries: f.write(symop.str_sym(alat))
[docs] def write_trace(self): """ Construct description of matrices of symmetry operations of the space-group in the format: {{R|t}}-> R11,R12,...,R23,R33,t1,t2,t3 and, when SOC was included, the elements of the matrix describing the transformation of the spinor in the format: Re(S11),Im(S11),Re(S12),...,Re(S22),Im(S22). Returns ------- str String describing matrices of symmetry operations. """ res = (" {0} \n" # Number of Symmetry operations # In the following lines, one symmetry operation for each operation of the point group n""" ).format(len(self.symmetries)) for symop in self.symmetries: res += symop.str2(refUC=self.refUC, shiftUC=self.shiftUC) return(res)
[docs] def str(self): """ Create a string to describe of space-group and its symmetry operations. Returns ------- str Description to print. """ return ( "SG={SG}\n name={name} \n nsym= {nsym}\n spinor={spinor}\n".format( SG=self.number,, nsym=len( self.symmetries), spinor=self.spinor) + "symmetries=\n" + "\n".join( s.str( self.refUC, self.shiftUC) for s in self.symmetries) + "\n\n")
def __match_spinor_rotations(self, S1, S2): """ Determine the sign difference between matrices describing the transformation of spinors found by `spglib` and those read from tables. Parameters ---------- S1 : list Contains the matrices for the transformation of spinors corresponding to symmetry operations found by `spglib`. S2 : list Contains the matrices for the transformation of spinors corresponding to symmetry operations read from tables. Returns ------- array The `j`-th element is the matrix to match the `j`-th matrices of `S1` and `S2`. """ n = 2 def RR(x): """ Constructs a 2x2 complex matrix out of a list containing real and imaginary parts. Parameters ---------- x : list, length=8 Length is 8. `x[:4]` contains the real parts, `x[4:]` the imaginary parts. Returns ------- array, shape=(2,2) Matrix of complex elements. """ return np.array([[x1 + 1j * x2 for x1, x2 in zip(l1, l2)] for l1, l2 in zip(x[:n * n].reshape((n, n)), x[n * n:].reshape((n, n)))]) def residue_matrix(r): """ Calculate the residue of a matrix. Parameters ---------- r : array Matrix used as ansatz for the minimization. Returns ------- float """ return sum([min(abs( - s * a).sum() for s in (1, -1)) for a, b in zip(S1, S2)]) def residue(x): """ Calculate the normalized residue. Parameters ---------- x : list, length=8 Length is 8. `x[:4]` contains the real parts, `x[4:]` the imaginary parts. Returns ------- float """ return residue_matrix(RR(x)) / len(S1) for i in range(11): x0 = np.random.random(2 * n * n) res = minimize(residue, x0) r = if r < 1e-4: break if r > 1e-3: raise RuntimeError( "the accurcy is only {0}. Is this good?".format(r)) R1 = RR(res.x) return np.array([ a)).diagonal().mean().real.round() for a, b in zip(S1, S2)], dtype=int)
[docs] def get_irreps_from_table(self, kpname, K, v=0): """ Read irreps of the little-group of a maximal k-point. Parameters ---------- kpname : str Label of the maximal k-point. K : array, shape=(3,) Direct coordinates of the k-point. v : int, default=0 Verbosity level. Default set to minimalistic printing Returns ------- tab : dict Each key is the label of an irrep, each value another `dict`. Keys of every secondary `dict` are indices of symmetries (starting from 1 and following order of operations in tables of BCS) and values are traces of symmetries. Raises ------ RuntimeError Translational or rotational parts read from tables and found by `spglib` do not match for a symmetry operation. RuntimeError A symmetry from the tables matches with many symmetries found by `spglib`. RuntimeError The label of a k-point given in the CLI matches with the label of a k-point read from tables, but direct coordinates of these k-vectors do not match. RuntimeError There is not any k-point in the tables whose label matches that given in parameter `kpname`. """ table = IrrepTable(self.number, self.spinor, v=v) tab = {} for irr in table.irreps: if irr.kpname == kpname: k1 = np.round(np.linalg.inv(self.refUC.T).dot(irr.k), 5) % 1 k2 = np.round(K, 5) % 1 if not all(np.isclose(k1, k2)): raise RuntimeError( "the kpoint {0} does not correspond to the point {1} ({2} in refUC / {3} in primUC) in the table".format( K, kpname, np.round( irr.k, 3), k1)) tab[] = {} for i,(sym1,sym2) in enumerate(zip(self.symmetries,table.symmetries)): try: dt = sym2.t - sym1.translation_refUC(self.refUC, self.shiftUC) tab[][i + 1] = irr.characters[i + 1] * \ sym1.sign * np.exp(2j * np.pi * except KeyError: pass if len(tab) == 0: raise RuntimeError( "the k-point with name {0} is not found in the spacegroup {1}. found only :\n{2}".format( kpname, table.number, "\n ".join( "{0}({1}/{2})".format( irr.kpname, irr.k, np.linalg.inv(self.refUC).dot( irr.k) % 1) for irr in table.irreps))) return tab
[docs] def determine_basis_transf( self, refUC_cli, shiftUC_cli, refUC_lib, shiftUC_lib, search_cell, trans_thresh, v=0 ): """ Determine basis transformation to conventional cell. Priority is given to the transformation set by the user in CLI. Parameters ---------- refUC_cli : array 3x3 array describing the transformation of vectors defining the unit cell to the standard setting. Set in CLI. shiftUC_cli : array Translation taking the origin of the unit cell used in the DFT calculation to that of the standard setting. Set in CLI. refUC_lib : array Obtained via spglib. shiftUC_lib : array Obtained via spglib. It may not be the shift taking the origin to the position adopted in the tables (BCS). For example, origin choice 1 of ITA is adopted in spglib for centrosymmetric groups, while origin choice 2 in BCS. search_cell : bool, default=False Whether the transformation to the conventional cell should be computed. It is `True` if kpnames was specified in CLI. trans_thresh : float, default=1e-5 Threshold to compare translational parts of symmetries. v : int, default=0 Verbosity level. Default set to minimalistic printing Returns ------- array Transformation of vectors defining the unit cell to the standard setting. array Shift taking the origin of the unit cell used in the DFT calculation to that of the convenctional setting used in BCS. Raises ------ RuntimeError Could not find a pait (refUC,shiftUC) matching symmetries obtained from spglib to those in tables (mod. lattice translations of the primitive cell). """ # Give preference to CLI input refUC_cli_bool = refUC_cli is not None shiftUC_cli_bool = shiftUC_cli is not None if refUC_cli_bool and shiftUC_cli_bool: # Both specified in CLI. refUC = refUC_cli.T # User sets refUC as if it was acting on column shiftUC = shiftUC_cli log_message('refUC and shiftUC read from CLI', v, 1) return refUC, shiftUC elif refUC_cli_bool and not shiftUC_cli_bool: # shiftUC not given in CLI. refUC = refUC_cli.T # User sets refUC as if it was acting on column shiftUC = np.zeros(3, dtype=float) msg = ('refUC was specified in CLI, but shiftUC was not. Taking ' 'shiftUC=(0,0,0)') log_message(msg, v, 1) return refUC, shiftUC elif not refUC_cli_bool and shiftUC_cli_bool: # refUC not given in CLI. refUC = np.eye(3, dtype=float) shiftUC = shiftUC_cli msg = ('shitfUC was specified in CLI, but refUC was not. Taking ' '3x3 identity matrix as refUC.') log_message(msg, v, 1) return refUC, shiftUC elif not search_cell: refUC = np.eye(3, dtype=float) shiftUC = np.zeros(3, dtype=float) msg = ('Taking 3x3 identity matrix as refUC and shiftUC=(0,0,0). ' 'If you want to calculate the transformation to ' 'conventional cell, run IrRep with -searchcell') log_message(msg, v, 1) return refUC, shiftUC else: # Neither specifiend in CLI. msg = ('Determining transformation to conventional setting ' '(refUC and shiftUC)') log_message(msg, v, 1) refUC = np.linalg.inv(refUC_lib) # from DFT to convenctional cell # Check if the shift given by spglib works shiftUC = try: ind, dt, signs = self.match_symmetries( refUC, shiftUC, trans_thresh=trans_thresh ) return refUC, shiftUC except RuntimeError: pass # Check if the group is centrosymmetric inv = None for sym in self.symmetries: if np.allclose(sym.rotation, -np.eye(3)): inv = sym if inv is None: # Not centrosymmetric for r_center in self.vecs_centering(): shiftUC = shiftUC_lib + try: ind, dt, signs = self.match_symmetries( refUC, shiftUC, trans_thresh=trans_thresh ) msg = (f'ShiftUC achieved with the centering: {r_center}') log_message(msg, v, 1) return refUC, shiftUC except RuntimeError: pass raise RuntimeError(("Could not find any shift that leads to " "the expressions for the symmetries found " "in the tables.")) else: # Centrosymmetric. Origin must sit in an inv. center for r_center in self.vecs_inv_centers(): shiftUC = 0.5 * inv.translation + * r_center) try: ind, dt, signs = self.match_symmetries( refUC, shiftUC, trans_thresh=trans_thresh ) msg = ('ShiftUC achieved in 2 steps:\n' ' (1) Place origin of primitive cell on ' 'inversion center: {}\n' ' (2) Move origin of convenctional cell to the ' 'inversion-center: {}' .format(0.5 * inv.translation, r_center)) log_message(msg, v, 1) return refUC, shiftUC except RuntimeError: pass raise RuntimeError(("Could not find any shift that places the " "origin on an inversion center which leads " "to the expressions for the symmetries " "found in the tables. Enter refUC and " "shiftUC in command line"))
[docs] def match_symmetries( self, refUC=None, shiftUC=None, signs=False, trans_thresh=1e-5 ): """ Matches symmetry operations of two lists. Translational parts are matched mod. lattice translations (important for centered structures). Parameters ---------- refUC : array, default=None 3x3 array describing the transformation of vectors defining the unit cell to the standard setting. shiftUC : array, default=None Translation taking the origin of the unit cell used in the DFT calculation to that of the standard setting. signs : bool, default=False If `True`, match also rotations of spinors corresponding to each symmetry. trans_thresh : float, default=1e-5 Threshold used to compare translational parts of symmetries. Returns ------- list The :math:`i^{th}` element corresponds to the :math:`i^{th}` symmetry found by `spglib` and it is the position that the same symmetry has in the tables. list The :math:`i^{th}` element corresponds to the :math:`i^{th}` symmetry found by `spglib` and it is the phase difference w.r.t. the same symmetry in the tables, which may arise if their translational parts differ by a lattice vector. array The :math:`i^{th}` element corresponds to the :math:`i^{th}` symmetry found by `spglib` and it is the sign needed to make the matrix for spinor rotation identical to that in tables. Note ---- Arguments symmetries1 and symmetries2 always take values of attributes self.symmetry and self.symmetries_tables, so they can be removed, but this way keeps the function more generic. """ if refUC is None: refUC = self.refUC if shiftUC is None: shiftUC = self.shiftUC ind = [] dt = [] for j, sym in enumerate(self.symmetries): R = sym.rotation_refUC(refUC) t = sym.translation_refUC(refUC, shiftUC) found = False for i, sym2 in enumerate(self.symmetries_tables): t1 = - t) % 1 #t1 = - t, refUC) % 1 t1[1 - t1 < trans_thresh] = 0 if np.allclose(R, sym2.R): if np.allclose(t1, [0, 0, 0], atol=trans_thresh): ind.append(i) dt.append(sym2.t - t) found = True break # Tolerance for rotational part comparison # is much more restrictive than for transl. # Make them consistent? else: raise RuntimeError(( "Error matching translational part for symmetry {}." " A symmetry with identical rotational part has " " been fond in tables, but their translational " "parts do not match:\n" "R (found, in conv. cell)= \n{} \n" "t(found) = {} \n" "t(table) = {} \n" "t(found, in conv. cell) = {}\n" "t(table)-t(found) " "(in conv. cell, mod. lattice translation)= {}" .format( j+1, R, sym.translation, sym2.t, t, t1 )) ) if not found: raise RuntimeError( "Error matching rotational part for symmetry {0}. In the " .format(j+1) + "tables there is not any symmetry with identical " + "rotational part. \nR(found) = \n{} \nt(found) = {}" .format(R, t)) if (len(set(ind)) != len(self.symmetries)): raise RuntimeError( "Error in matching symmetries detected by spglib with the \ symmetries in the tables. Try to modify the refUC and shiftUC \ parameters") if signs: S1 = [sym.spinor_rotation for sym in self.symmetries] S2 = [self.symmetries_tables[i].S for i in ind] signs_array = self.__match_spinor_rotations(S1, S2) else: signs_array = np.ones(len(ind), dtype=int) return ind, dt, signs_array
[docs] def vecs_centering(self): """ Check the space group and generate vectors of centering. Returns ------- array Each row is a lattice vector describing the centering. """ cent = np.array([[0,0,0]]) if[0] == 'P': pass # Just to make it explicit elif[0] == 'C': cent = np.vstack((cent, cent + [1/2,1/2,0])) elif[0] == 'I': cent = np.vstack((cent, cent + [1/2,1/2,1/2])) elif[0] == 'F': cent = np.vstack((cent, cent + [0,1/2,1/2], cent + [1/2,0,1/2], cent + [1/2,1/2,0], ) ) elif[0] == 'A': # test this cent = np.vstack((cent, cent + [0,1/2,1/2])) else: # R-centered cent = np.vstack((cent, cent + [2/3,1/3,1/3], cent + [1/3,2/3,2/3], ) ) return cent
[docs] def vecs_inv_centers(self): """ Get the positions of all inversion centers in the unit cell. Returns ------- array Each element is a vector pointing to a position center in the convenctional unit cell. Notes ----- If the space group is primitive, there are 8 inversion centers, but there are more if it is a group with a centering. """ vecs = np.array( [ [0,0,0], [1,0,0], [0,1,0], [0,0,1], [1,1,0], [1,0,1], [0,1,1], [1,1,1] ] ) vecs = np.vstack([vecs + r for r in self.vecs_centering()]) return vecs
[docs] def read_sym_file(fname): """ Read symmetry operations from a file. Parameters ---------- fname : str Name of the file. Returns ------- np.array(Nsym, 3, 3) Each element is a 3x3 array describing a rotation matrix in cartesian coordinates np.array(Nsym, 3) Each element is a 3D vector describing a translation in units of alat. """ with open(fname, "r") as f: lines = f.readlines() lines = [line.split() for line in lines] lines = [line for line in lines if len(line) > 0] nsym = int(lines[0][0]) assert len(lines) == 1 + 4 * nsym RT = np.array(lines[1:], dtype=float).reshape(nsym, 4, 3) rotations = RT[:, 0:3] translations = RT[:, 3] return rotations, translations
[docs] def cart_to_crystal(rot_cart, trans_cart, lattice, alat): """ Convert rotation and translation matrices from cartesian to crystal coordinates. Parameters ---------- rot_cart : array, shape=(Nsym, 3, 3) Each element is a 3x3 array describing a rotation matrix in cartesian coordinates trans_cart : array, shape=(Nsym, 3) Each element is a 3D vector describing a translation in cartesian coordinates lattice : array, shape=(3, 3) Each row contains cartesian coordinates of a basis vector forming the unit-cell in real space. alat : float, default=1 Lattice parameter in angstroms (quantum espresso convention). Returns ------- array, shape=(Nsym, 3, 3) Each element is a 3x3 array describing a rotation matrix in crystal coordinates (should be integers) array, shape=(Nsym, 3) Each element is a 3D vector describing a translation in crystal coordinates """ lat_inv = np.linalg.inv(lattice) rot_crystal = np.array([(lat_inv.T @ rot @ lattice.T) for rot in rot_cart]) assert np.allclose(rot_crystal, np.round(rot_crystal)), f"rotations are not integers in crystal coordinates : {rot_crystal}" rot_crystal = np.round(rot_crystal).astype(int) trans_crystal = trans_cart @ lat_inv * alat * BOHR return rot_crystal , trans_crystal