Source code for irrep.utility

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## This file is distributed as part of                           #
## "IrRep" code and under terms of GNU General Public license v3 #
## see LICENSE file in the                                       #
##                                                               #
##  Written by Stepan Tsirkin, University of Zurich.             #
##  e-mail:                         #

import numpy as np
from scipy import constants
import fortio

BOHR = constants.physical_constants['Bohr radius'][0] / constants.angstrom

[docs] class FortranFileR(fortio.FortranFile): ''' Class that implements `syrte/fortio` package to parse long records in Abinit WFK file. Parameters ---------- filename : str Path to the WFK file. ''' def __init__(self, filename): print("Using fortio to read") try: # assuming there are not subrecords super().__init__(filename, mode='r', header_dtype='uint32', auto_endian=True, check_file=True ) print("Long records not found in ", filename) except ValueError: # there are subrecords, allow negative markers print(("File '{}' contains subrecords - using header_dtype='int32'" .format(filename) )) super().__init__(filename, mode='r', header_dtype='int32', auto_endian=True, check_file=True )
[docs] def str2list(string): """ Generate `list` from `str`, where elements are separated by '-'. Used when parsing parameters set in CLI. Parameters ---------- string : str `str` to be parsed. Returns ------- array Notes ----- Ranges can be generated as part of the output `array`. For example, `str2list('1,3-5,7')` will give as ouput `array([1,3,4,5,7])`. """ return np.hstack([np.arange(*(np.array(s.split("-"), dtype=int) + np.array([0, 1]))) if "-" in s else np.array([int(s)]) for s in string.split(",")])
[docs] def compstr(string): """ Convers `str` to `float` or `complex`. Parameters ---------- string : str String to convert. Returns ------- float or complex `float` if `string` does not have imaginary part, `complex` otherwise. """ if "i" in string: if "+" in string: return float(string.split("+")[0]) + 1j * \ float(string.split("+")[1].strip("i")) elif "-" in string: return float(string.split("-")[0]) + 1j * \ float(string.split("-")[1].strip("i")) else: return float(string)
[docs] def str2list_space(string): """ Generate `list` from `str`, where elements are separated by a space ''. Used when parsing parameters set in CLI. Parameters ---------- string : str `str` to be parsed. Returns ------- array Notes ----- Ranges can be generated as part of the output `array`. For example, `str2list('1,3-5,7')` will give as ouput `array([1,3,4,5,7])`. """ res = np.hstack([np.arange(*(np.array(s.split("-"), dtype=int) + np.array([0, 1]))) if "-" in s else np.array([int(s)]) for s in string.split()]) return res
[docs] def str2bool(v1): """ Convert `str` to `bool`. Parameter --------- v1 : str String to convert. Returns ------- bool Raises ------ RuntimeError `v1` does not start with 'F', 'f', 'T' nor 't'. """ v = v1.lower().strip('. ') if v[0] == "f": return False elif v[0] == "t": return True else: raise RuntimeError( " unrecognized value of bool parameter :{0}".format(v1))
[docs] def str_(x): """ Round `x` to 5 floating points and return as `str`. Parameters ---------- x : str Returns ------- str """ return str(round(x, 5))
[docs] def is_round(A, prec=1e-14): """ Returns `True` if all values in A are integers. Parameters ---------- A : array `array` for which the check should be done. prec : float, default=1e-14 (machine precision). Threshold to apply. Returns ------- bool `True` if all elements are integers, `False` otherwise. """ return(np.linalg.norm(A - np.round(A)) < prec)
[docs] def short(x, nd=3): """ Format `float` or `complex` number. Parameter --------- x : int, float or complex Number to format. nd : int, default=3 Number of decimals. Returns ------- str Formatted number, with `nd` decimals saved. """ fmt = "{{0:+.{0}f}}".format(nd) if abs(x.imag) < 10 ** (-nd): return fmt.format(x.real) if abs(x.real) < 10 ** (-nd): return fmt.format(x.imag) + "j" return short(x.real, nd) + short(1j * x.imag)
[docs] def split(l): """ Determine symbol used for assignment and split accordingly. Parameters --------- l : str Part of a line read from .win file. """ if "=" in l: return l.split("=") elif ":" in l: return l.split(":") else: return l.split()
[docs] def format_matrix(A): """ Format array to print it. Parameters ---------- A : array Matrix that should be printed. Returns ------- str Description of the matrix. Ready to be printed. """ return "".join( " ".join("{0:+5.2f} {1:+5.2f}".format(x.real, x.imag) for x in a) + "\n" for a in A )
[docs] def log_message(msg, verbosity, level): ''' Logger to decide if a message is printed or not Parameters ---------- msg : str Message to print verbosity : int Verbosity set for the current run of the code level : int If `verbosity >= level`, the message will be printed ''' if verbosity >= level: print(msg)