Source code for irreptables.__init__

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## This file is distributed as part of                           #
## "IrRep" code and under terms of GNU General Public license v3 #
## see LICENSE file in the                                       #
##                                                               #
##  Written by Stepan Tsirkin, University of Zurich.             #
##  e-mail:                         #


import copy
import os
import sys
import logging

import numpy as np

from irrep.utility import str2bool, str2list_space, str_

# using a logger to print useful information during debugging,
# set to logging.INFO to disable debug messages
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class SymopTable: ''' Parses a `str` that describes a symmetry operation of the space-group and stores info about it in attributes. Parameters ---------- line : str Line to be parsed, which describes a symmetry operation. Attributes ---------- R : array, shape=(3,3) Rotational part, describing the transformation of basis vectors (not cartesian coordinates!). t : array, shape=(3,) Direct coordinates of the translation vector. S : array, shape=(2,2) SU(2) matrix describing the transformation of spinor components. ''' def __init__(self, line): numbers = line.split() self.R = np.array(numbers[:9], dtype=int).reshape(3, 3) self.t = np.array(numbers[9:12], dtype=float) if len(numbers) > 12: self.S = ( np.array(numbers[12:16], dtype=float) * np.exp(1j * np.pi * np.array(numbers[16:20], dtype=float)) ).reshape(2, 2) else: self.S = np.eye(2)
[docs] def str(self, spinor=True): """ Create a `str` describing the symmetry operation as implemented in the files included in `IrRep`. Parameters ---------- spinor : bool, default=True `True` if the matrix describing the transformation of spinor components should be written. Returns ------- str """ return ( " ".join(" ".join(str(x) for x in r) for r in self.R) + " " + " ".join(str_(x) for x in self.t) + ( ( " " + " ".join( " ".join(str_(x) for x in X) for X in ( np.abs(self.S.reshape(-1)), np.angle(self.S.reshape(-1)) / np.pi, ) ) ) if spinor else "" ) )
[docs] class KPoint: """ Organizes the info about a maximal k-point and contains routines to print it. This info is obtained by parsing the parameter `line` or passed directly as `name`, `k` and `isym`. Parameters ---------- name : str, default=None Label of the k-point. k : array, default=None Direct coordinates of the k-point. isym : array, default=None Indices of symmetry operations in the little co-group. Indices make reference to the symmetry operations stored in the header of the file and stored in `IrrepTable.symmetries`. line : str, default=None Line to be parsed. Attributes ---------- name : str Label of the k-point. k : array, shape=(3,) Direct coordinates of the k-point. isym : array Indices of symmetry operations in the little co-group. Indices make reference to the symmetry operations stored in the header of the file and stored in `IrrepTable.symmetries`. """ def __init__(self, name=None, k=None, isym=None, line=None): if line is not None: line_ = line.split(":") if line_[0].split()[0] != "kpoint": raise ValueError = line_[0].split()[1] self.k = np.array(line_[1].split(), dtype=float) self.isym = str2list_space( line_[2] ) # [ int(x) for x in line_[2].split() ] # else: = name self.k = k self.isym = isym def __eq__(self, other): """ Compares the attributes of this class with those of class instance `other`. Parameters ---------- other : class Instance of class `KPoint`. Returns ------- bool `True` if all attributes have identical value, `False` otherwise. """ if != return False if np.linalg.norm(self.k - other.k) > 1e-8: return False if self.isym != other.isym: return False return True
[docs] def show(self): """ Create a `str` containing the values of all attributes. Returns ------- str Line showing the values of all attributes. """ return "{0} : {1} symmetries : {2}".format(, self.k, self.isym)
[docs] def str(self): ''' Create a `str` containing the values of all attributes. Returns ------- str Line that, when parsed, would lead to an instance of class `KPoint` with identical values of attributes. ''' return "{0} : {1} : {2}".format(, " ".join(str(x) for x in self.k), " ".join(str(x) for x in sorted(self.isym)), )
[docs] class Irrep: """ Parses the line containing the description of the irrep and stores the info in its attributes. Contains methods print descriptions of the irrep. Parameters ---------- f : file object, default=None It corresponds to the file containing the info about the space-group and its irreps. nsym_group : int, default=None Number of symmetry operations in the "point-group" of the space-group. line : str, default=None Line with the description of an irrep, read from the file containing info about the space-group and irreps. k_point : class instance, default=None Instance of class `KPoint`. Attributes ---------- k : array, shape=(3,) Direct coordinates of a k-point. kpname : str It is the label of a k-point. name : str Label of the irrep. dim : int Dimension of the irrep. nsym : int Number of symmetry operations in the little co-group of the k-point. reality : bool `True` if traces of all symmetry operations are real, `False` otherwise. characters : dict Each key is the index of a symmetry operation in the little co-group and the corresponding value is the trace of that symmetry in the irrep. """ def __init__(self, line, k_point): logger.debug("reading irrep line <{0}> for KP=<{1}> ".format(line, k_point.str())) self.k = k_point.k self.kpname = line = line.split() = line[0] self.dim = int(line[1]) self.nsym = len(k_point.isym) self.reality = len(line[2:]) == self.nsym ch = np.array(line[2 : 2 + self.nsym], dtype=float) if not self.reality: ch = ch * np.exp( 1.0j * np.pi * np.array(line[2 + self.nsym : 2 + 2 * self.nsym], dtype=float) ) self.characters = {k_point.isym[i]: ch[i] for i in range(self.nsym)} logger.debug("the irrep {0} ch= {1}".format(, self.characters)) assert len(self.characters) == self.nsym
[docs] def show(self): """ Print label of the k-point and info about the irrep. """ print(self.kpname,, self.dim, self.reality)
[docs] def str(self): """ Generate a line describing the irrep and its character. Returns ------- str Line describing the irrep, as it is written in the table of the space-group included in `IrRep`. This line contains the label, dimension and character of the irrep. """ logger.debug(self.characters) ch = np.array([self.characters[isym] for isym in sorted(self.characters)]) if np.abs(np.imag(ch)).max() > 1e-6: str_ch = " " + " ".join(str_(x) for x in np.abs(ch)) str_ch += " " + " ".join(str_(x) for x in np.angle(ch) / np.pi) else: str_ch = " " + " ".join(str_(x) for x in np.real(ch)) return + " {} ".format(self.dim) + str_ch
[docs] class IrrepTable: """ Parse file corresponding to a space-group, storing the info in attributes. Also contains methods to print and write this info in a file. Parameters ---------- SGnumber : int Number of the space-group. spinor : bool `True` if the matrix describing the transformation of spinor components should be read. name : str, default=None Name of the file from which info about the space-group and irreps should be read. If `None`, the code will try to open a file already included in it. Attributes ---------- number : int Number of the space-group. name : str Symbol of the space-group in Hermann-Mauguin notation. spinor : bool `True` if wave-functions are spinors (SOC), `False` if they are scalars. nsym : int Number of symmetry operations in the "point-group" of the space-group. symmetries : list Each component is an instance of class `SymopTable` corresponding to a symmetry operation in the "point-group" of the space-group. NK : int Number of maximal k-points in the Brillouin zone. irreps : list Each component is an instance of class `IrRep` corresponding to an irrep of the little group of a maximal k-point. """ def __init__(self, SGnumber, spinor, name=None): self.number = SGnumber self.spinor = spinor if name is None: name = "{root}/tables/irreps-SG={SG}-{spinor}.dat".format( SG=self.number, spinor="spin" if self.spinor else "scal", root=os.path.dirname(__file__), ) logger.debug("reading from a standard irrep table <{0}>".format(name)) else: logger.debug("reading from a user-defined irrep table <{0}>".format(name)) lines = open(name).readlines()[-1::-1] while len(lines) > 0: l = lines.pop().strip().split("=") # logger.debug(l,l[0].lower()) if l[0].lower() == "SG": assert int(l[1]) == self.number elif l[0].lower() == "name": = l[1] elif l[0].lower() == "nsym": self.nsym = int(l[1]) elif l[0].lower() == "spinor": assert str2bool(l[1]) == self.spinor elif l[0].lower() == "symmetries": print("Reading symmetries from tables") self.symmetries = [] while len(self.symmetries) < self.nsym: l = lines.pop() # logger.debug(l) try: self.symmetries.append(SymopTable(l)) except Exception as err: logger.debug(err) pass break logger.debug("symmetries are:\n" + "\n".join(s.str() for s in self.symmetries)) self.irreps = [] while len(lines) > 0: l = lines.pop().strip() try: kp = KPoint(line=l) logger.debug("kpoint successfully read:", kp.str()) except Exception as err: logger.debug("error while reading k-point <{0}>".format(l), err) try: self.irreps.append(Irrep(line=l, k_point=kp)) except Exception as err: logger.debug("error while reading irrep <{0}>".format(l), err) pass
[docs] def show(self): ''' Print info about symmetry operations and irreps. ''' for i, s in enumerate(self.symmetries): print(i + 1, "\n", s.R, "\n", s.t, "\n", s.S, "\n\n") for irr in self.irreps: